Optimizing Treatment with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: MOIO Clinical Trial Illustrations

2023-07-04 19:46:52


Figure 1

Diagram of the MOIO clinical trial.

Figure 1. Schematic outline of the MOIO clinical trial.

Figure 1


Author Institut Paoli-Calmettes Department of Medical Oncology Marseille Cancer Research Center INSERM UMR1068 CNRS UMR7258 Aix Marseille University Marseille France [email protected]>
* Reprints: G. Gravis

Acknowledgments and other mentionsWe thank the R&D team of Unicancer who participated in the preparation and the realization of this study. We also thank Lilian Amrein who provided review and editing services on behalf of Unicancer. approval.Funding: none.Links of interest: Board: Janssen, Amgen, BMS, IPSEN, AAA, Astra Zeneca, Bayer, Pfizer Merck, Astellas.Recipient: institution.Advisor: Janssen, Amgen, BMS, Curium, Bayer, Pfizer Merck. Beneficiary: my institution. Expert: BMS, Bayer, Pfizer/merck. Beneficiary: institution. Travel expenses: Janssen, BMS, Astra Zeneca, Bayer, Pfizer Merck. Beneficiary: GG.

The MOIO project is a phase III randomized trial comparing standard immunotherapy (IO), with immune checkpoint inhibitors, to a decrease in the intensity dose of IO in patients with metastatic cancer in response following six months. standard IO.

Many metastatic cancers of different origins (melanoma, lung, kidney, bladder, etc.) are currently treated with IO. Current scientific data do not predict the duration and frequency of administration of a continuation of these treatments in patients who are in response following six months of IO. However, these treatments administered intravenously, most often in day hospitals, involve constraints for the patients, for the care structures and entail significant costs for society. The objective of this study is to compare, in patients in response following six months of administration of an OI, maintenance of a standard administration versus administration every three months. The main objective of this national multicentre study is to demonstrate that administration every three months is no less effective than standard administration in terms of disease progression-free survival. The secondary objectives are to determine the economic impact of such a strategy, the impact on quality of life and patient anxiety, treatment response rate and lifespan.

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