Optimizing the business environment Chinese tax authorities launched 25 more convenience measures_Hangzhou Net

Optimizing the business environment Chinese tax authorities launched 25 more convenience measures

Hangzhou Net Release time: 2023-02-21 16:48

China News Agency, Beijing, February 21. This year, the State Administration of Taxation of China launched the “Convenience of Taxation Spring Breeze Action” for the 10th consecutive year. After the first batch of 17 convenience service measures were launched, the second batch of 25 convenience measures was launched on the 21st. Service measures to continuously optimize the tax business environment.

At a press conference held in Beijing on the 21st, according to Huang Yun, spokesman of the State Administration of Taxation, some measures have already taken effect. Among them, 13 items of tax-related materials are included in the scope of handling, and 34 items of tax-related materials are further streamlined; on the premise of respecting the wishes of enterprises, the role of big tax data is used to match companies with poor supply chains in the industrial chain. To help the supply and demand sides connect, in January, 426 enterprises have been helped to independently realize the effective purchase and sale of 980 million yuan.

Huang Yun said that the second batch of 25 convenience service measures covers a wider range and richer content: focusing on the efficient implementation of policies to help companies solve difficulties; focusing on promoting intelligent taxation to help companies reduce burdens and increase efficiency; Focus on law enforcement methods to help companies compete fairly.

Optimizing the business environment is the key to cultivating and stimulating the vitality of business entities and enhancing the endogenous motivation for development. Last year, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Notice on Replicating and Promoting Pilot Reform Measures for Business Environment Innovation”, and decided to replicate and promote 50 innovative pilot measures across the country. According to Shen Xinguo, director of the Tax Service Department of the State Administration of Taxation, there are 12 tax-related measures. The main highlights of these measures are: continue to shorten the tax payment time, implement the “multi-tax integration” comprehensive declaration, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing will include value-added tax, consumption tax, vehicle purchase tax, etc. The principle of “dishonesty, dishonesty and punishment” will allow trustworthy taxpayers to enjoy more convenience, and focus on and strictly supervise taxpayers with low credit ratings; promote data sharing and sharing, so that data “runs more roads” and taxpayers “runs less errands” “.

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At the press conference, Huang Yun also said that in recent years, some criminals have used the Internet and new media to conduct false guidance and even implement online tax-related fraud, extending their “black hands” to taxpayers. Some directly defraud taxpayers for illegal benefits; some illegally defraud taxpayers’ information, especially personal privacy and business secrets, for “grey transactions”; some deliberately create panic to attract taxpayers to expand business. The State Administration of Taxation has actively cooperated with relevant departments to seriously investigate and rectify tax-related intermediaries’ false propaganda of information, malicious tax planning and other violations of laws and regulations, and publicly exposed a number of typical cases of bad nature.

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