Optimizing Organizational Transformation and Wellbeing Benefits: Insights from Novartis and Sanofi

2023-07-13 06:57:57

Organizational transformation, which applies to processes, culture and even values, is a constant in a world where everything happens at breakneck speed. The pandemic implied a stoppage that put on the table the real importance of the person and their integral health and caused the policies related to it to be strengthened and a wide range of offers have been created, ranging from exercise programs, nutrition advice or psychological support to financial training workshops to plan retirement. And every month a new service or program arises that wants to respond to the needs of people on the workforce, with very different ages and moments of life.

In this sense, Susana Cortés, Director of People at Novartis, commented on the importance of valuing what the company offers and taking the pulse of the organization to find out how employees perceive and understand all this offer. For her, it is necessary to be very clear about what is offered, to whom and for what, and to know that not all of us understand well-being in the same way. In this sense, Heidi Van de Woestyne, Director of People at Sanofi Iberia, highlighted that the offer is so wide that the professional can feel overwhelmed and not be aware of everything that is within their reach, which is why it is a challenge for the People function to communicate well and value these benefits. Van de Woestyne highlighted that one must be aware that the concept of wellbeing implies a deep work of knowledge of oneself, and in order to carry out this introspection it is very important that the company offers a psychologically safe environment, in which each person feels free to be herself and to communicate her interests and preferences, just as they are doing at Sanofi.

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