Optimizing Nutritional Supplements: Expert Advice from Pharmacist Hyejin Yeom

2024-02-05 15:59:00

We live in an era where you can eat anything you want, anytime, anywhere, with just one touch. Most modern people live in an era of excess calories, but is there really an excess of nutrients that the body really needs? The reality is like this. There is an excess of calories, but a lack of nutrients.

Pharmacist with 18 years of experience <현직 약사가 알려주는 영양제 특강>Pharmacist Hyejin Yeom, the author of ‘Brain Celeb’, episode 34, ‘Life Pharmacist’s Special Lecture on Nutrients’, pinpoints the nutritional supplements needed in various situations such as age, gender, and physical condition.

There are three criteria for choosing a good nutritional supplement suggested by pharmacist Hyejin Yeom. First, figure out your current health, lifestyle, and eating habits. Before taking nutritional supplements, you should first improve your habits by eating regularly and eating healthy foods. Second, rather than making arbitrary decisions, you should consult a doctor for treatment or a pharmacist for medication. Lastly, when purchasing nutritional supplements, choose over-the-counter products first, and if there are no over-the-counter ingredients, you should choose a product from a trustworthy company.

The nutritional supplements that pharmacists must take regardless of age, generation or symptoms are multivitamins and minerals (comprehensive nutritional supplements), especially comprehensive nutritional supplements with a high content of vitamin B group, and 900 mg or more of omega-3 from companies with reliable quality and strict quality control. And these are the three vitamins C and D.

Nutrients and nutritional supplements that are good to take together are also recommended for people suffering from metabolic diseases or taking hospital medications. Patients with hyperlipidemia who take statin drugs (Lipitor, Mevarochin, Crestor, Simvastatin, Livaro tablets, etc.) are advised to consume regarding 100 mg to 200 mg of coenzyme Q10, which is good for antioxidants. If you are taking high blood pressure medicines such as atenolol, indenol, or concor, vitamin B12 is recommended. If you are taking diuretics such as Lasix or Dychronic, it is recommended to supplement with vitamin B group, 100 mg or more of coenzyme Q10, and 200-280 mg of magnesium.

Brain Celeb Episode 34 ‘Life Pharmacist’s Special Lecture on Nutrition’ <1부 꼭 먹어야 하는 영양제 3종과 연령별 영양제 추천>, <2부 아플 때 챙겨 먹어야 하는 영양제 추천>, <3부 영양제 먹을 때의 주의 사항>, <4부 이런 영양제가 있다고?>It is broadcast separately. Brain Celeb Episode 34 can be viewed on the YouTube ‘Brain Celeb’ channel starting the first Monday of February.

writing. Sujin Park (Brain Celeb PD/[email protected])

#브레인셀럽 #nutritional #supplements #age #gender

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