Optimizing Nutritional Intake: The Five Major Deficiencies Modern People Need to Address

2023-11-21 04:50:50

Easily catching colds, easily breaking nails, losing a lot of hair, or experiencing diarrhea may be warning signs of zinc deficiency. Nutritionists point out that modern people lack the five major nutrients. (giggsy25/Shutterstock)

Modern people eat rich meals, but the body may still suffer from insufficient nutritional intake. Functional medicine nutritionists point out that vitamin B complex and lutein are not the most deficient in the modern human body, but are the other five nutrients that are most clinically deficient. Among them, zinc deficiency may lead to hair loss. How should we eat and supplement nutrients to effectively meet the needs of the body?

Taiwanese functional medicine nutritionist Jian Ziyunbiao summarized the observations in clinical blood tests on the Epoch Times’ “Health 1+1” program, listed the five major nutrients that people are currently most deficient in, and taught everyone how to supplement them correctly.


The reason why modern people are prone to lack of nutrients, Jian Ziyun believes that in addition to genes and physical constitution, the influence of the environment also has a lot to do with it. Modern people live in a relatively polluted environment, and the body’s own consumption of nutrients will be relatively large. In addition, today’s crops can be planted quickly, and the land fallow time is shortened, which reduces the nutrients in the soil. The content of nutrients in the crops will also decrease, and the trace elements that can be provided to the human body may not be as good as before.

To determine whether the human body is deficient in certain nutrients, blood testing is the fastest way. Jian Ziyun said that if you find that your immunity is getting lower and lower, for example, you are prone to colds or migraines, and you have more and more minor problems with your body, it may be caused by a lack of nutrients in your body. At this time, you can do a blood test, and in this case it will usually be found that the body is not just lacking one nutrient, but is lacking multiple nutrients.

Jian Ziyun discovered through clinical experience that the five major nutrients that modern people are most likely to lack are as follows:

First place: Vitamin D3

The most commonly lacking nutrient in the human body is vitamin D3. Lack of vitamin D3 generally has no obvious symptoms, and the body has no obvious reaction following supplementation. However, tests have found that the vitamin D3 content in the bodies of many patients with immune diseases is much lower than that of the average person.

“Scientific Reports” published in 2022a studyIt was found that among U.S. veterans, vitamin D3 supplementation reduced the COVID-19 infection rate by 20% and the mortality rate within 30 days of infection by 33%.

Additional suggestions:It is not easy to replenish vitamin D3 through food or sunshine. You may need to eat a lot of dried mushrooms, or expose a large area of ​​your body to the scorching sun at noon for 15 to 20 minutes every day. You also have to worry regarding the damage of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is often recommended to take vitamin D3 supplements for convenience.

Second place: Zinc

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency? In addition to catching colds more easily than others, your nails may be softer or easier to break, your hair may fall out more than before, or you may experience gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea. These are all warning signs of zinc deficiency.

Additional suggestions:Zinc can be obtained through seafood and nuts, but many people do not eat shelled seafood once a week, and the frequency of nut intake is not enough. In addition, modern people usually eat too much refined food, which contains very little vitamins and minerals, all of which lead to zinc deficiency in the body. Eating too much refined food can also easily cause gastrointestinal inflammation and malabsorption of nutrients. At this time, zinc is needed to repair the gastrointestinal mucosa.

A 2022 study published by Frontiers in NutritionResearch reviewPoint out that adults who consume high doses of zinc in their diet can reduce the risk of depression, type 2 diabetes, and overall and specific gastrointestinal cancers. Zinc supplement use in adults is associated with improved antioxidant capacity and sperm quality, as well as lower concentrations of inflammatory markers. Zinc supplementation in children can reduce the incidence of diarrhea and pneumonia, improve zinc deficiency and promote growth.

Third place: VitaminsC

Vitamin C is also a nutrient that is commonly deficient in clinical practice. Symptoms include colds easily, gums easily inflamed, bleeding, and mouth broken. At the same time, the body is easily fatigued and has no appetite. It is usually caused by eating too little fruit, resulting in vitamin C deficiency.

Additional suggestions:It is recommended to eat more red heart guava becausePer 100 gramsIt is rich in more than 200 mg of vitamin C. In order to prevent colds, ordinary people can take 500 mg of vitamin C a day. If you have immune disease problems, are fighting cancer, or are suffering from a cold, you can supplement with 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C a day.

Fourth place: Omega-3

Omega-3 mainly comes from fish, so people who don’t like fish or vegetarians are likely to be deficient in Omega-3. A lack of Omega-3 can easily cause inflammation and acne in the body. Basically, if you eat fish rich in Omega-3 at least 3 or 4 times a week, you will be less likely to be deficient in these nutrients.

Additional suggestions:The health product that supplements Omega-3 is fish oil. Vegetarians can take vegetarian fish oil, which is seaweed oil. Fish oil contains EPA, which helps the body fight inflammation, and DHA, which promotes growth, development and brain repair. Jian Ziyun reminded that cod liver oil is not the same as fish oil. Cod liver oil mainly provides vitamin A and should not be confused with fish oil.

Fifth place: VitaminsA

If your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable, it is probably due to insufficient vitamin A, not too low lutein.

Additional suggestions:Vitamin A supplementation is safe as long as the daily dose is 5,000IU (international units). Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, and it doesn’t matter whether you take it with or following a meal. However, those with gastrointestinal problems may consider taking vitamin A supplements with meals, that is, taking vitamin A supplements in the middle of meals.

Benefits of nutritional supplements

A large prospective study published in March this year in the European Journal of Nutritionarray research, analyzed data from UK Biobank participants diagnosed with cancer before 31 July 2019. The study found that the use of supplements was associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality and cancer mortality. Taking vitamins and non-vitamin and non-mineral supplements reduced cancer mortality by 7% and 12% respectively.

Jian Ziyun added that functional medicine is to find out the real cause of problems in the body by testing the concentration of nutrients and environmental toxins in the body. For example, we can help patients with immune diseases, such as patients with rheumatoid arthritis and atopic dermatitis, to find out the source of immune diseases; guide anti-cancer patients how to supplement nutrients to help them get through the difficult period of chemotherapy; help sub-healthy groups understand Find out what nutrients you lack and get rid of headaches, insomnia, etc. ◇

In this chaotic world, if you want to be healthy, look at Health 1+1!

Editor in charge: Wu Michen

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