Optimizing Fertilizer Use for Healthy Plants: Tips and Techniques

2024-04-14 01:02:06

The role of fertilizer isBalanced and consistent levels of nutrientsgiveCreating healthier and stronger plants.

As a result, you can expect the effects of stronger plant roots and longer-lasting flowers.

in general,From early spring to the height of springofThe best time to apply fertilizer during plant growth. However, the reality is not so simple.

each plantNutrient needs and timing are differentSo, fertilizing properly requires some scientific knowledge.

The difficult thing here is determining whether you are applying too little fertilizer or too much.

In this article, the plants you are growing areHow to tell if your plant is hungry due to a lack of nutrients, or if your plant is having problems growing due to over-fertilizationLet me tell you.

Signs when your plant needs fertilizer

Information site about plantsGarden GuidesAccording to the explanation, it is necessary to provide plants with nutrients in an appropriate balance.Of particular importance are the three elements known as the “three elements of fertilizer”: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

If these three elements are lacking, poor soil, unbalanced PH levels, lack of water, etc.several factorsIt will be considered.

However, even if you are lacking in important nutrients,Plants cannot directly tell humans that they are hungry.

Also, different symptoms will appear when there is not enough water or sunlight.

According to the Garden Guides article mentioned earlier, when there is not enough fertilizer, the following symptoms will appear depending on the ingredient.

  • In case of nitrogen deficiency, firstThe tips of the leaves turn yellow, and the yellow part spreads further toward the stem.
  • When there is a lack of phosphorus, “nitrogen accumulates inside the plant, causingThe color changes to a dull dark green.”, sometimes the leaves turn purple.
  • If the amount of potassium is too low,Leavessmall spotsThis will gradually become larger and the bleached area will become more noticeable.
  • When these signs appear, biotech companiesGreenwayNow, add soil conditioners and slow-release fertilizers.We recommend ways to return plants to a healthy state over time.

    Let’s know the symptoms of “fertilizer burn”

    The exact opposite case of fertilizer shortage is“Too much feeding” of nutrientsis.

    this is”Fertilizer burnIt causes symptoms called. If you apply too much fertilizer, the water in the plants will be absorbed by the soil, causing the following symptoms:

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  • Plants become shriveled and look burnt(This is where the name “fertilizer burn” comes from)
  • The leaves turn beige or brown, lose their vigor and become shriveled.
  • The appearance of white streaks on green leaves is an example of a change in appearance due to over-fertilization.
  • Regarding what to do when these symptoms appear,The Garden” removes the fertilizer remaining in the soil as far as the eye can see, and then “Wash away fertilizer by watering heavily” method is recommended.

    When watering heavily, be sure to water as much as possible without waterlogging the plant to flush out excess fertilizer from around the roots.

    However, in the case of outdoor cultivation, there is a problem with washing away large amounts of water or applying too much chemical fertilizer, which can have a negative impact on the water system.The washed away fertilizer is produced by algae.Destroying the natural ecosystemand may cause death to fish and aquatic organisms.Because there is.

    Prevent over-fertilizationFor this reason, consider choosing a slow-release fertilizer or using organic compost that utilizes natural ingredients to nourish your plants.

    ──This article has been re-edited and republished from July 9, 2021.

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    Translation: Galileo

    Source: Garden Guides, Greenway, The Garden, Scientific American, Gardening know how, Better Homes&Gardens, Southern Living

    #signs #plants #arent #fertilizer #youre #giving #Lifehacker #Japan

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