Optimistic Outlook: Predictions for a Great Summer in Tourism Sector 2023

2023-06-23 13:03:00

The CEO of the travel agency Fram predicted this Thursday ” a great summer » 2023 for the tourism sector. According to him, the French “really want to go on vacation”. This is what seems to be confirmed by the increase in tourist reservations ” from 25 to 30% » Compared to last year at the same time detailed Alain de Medonca.

Tourism: ‘This summer may be the greatest summer of travel we’ve ever seen’ (Peter Kern, CEO of Expedia)

A survey carried out by the tourism development agency Atout France, ADN Tourisme (tourist offices) and 11 regional tourism committees (CRT) showed last week that 73% of French people planned to go on vacation this summer, i.e. 2% more than in 2022.” It will be a summer where most certainly, I hope, we will probably exceed the record of 2019, we can be optimistic “, Estimated the Minister Delegate for Tourism Olivia Grégoire at the start of the week.

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According to the latter, following months of disrupted air traffic, an increase is already to be noted on the side of flights from China. Flights from the Asian country have gone from “ 16 weekly rotations in the spring, at 50 since June 10 “, thus underlined Olivia Grégoire. This is more than the number of flights from Canada, the United States or even Germany. And the ” international tourism receipts [sont] up 21% from January to April » compared to the reference year 2019, the last pre-covid year. According to Carole Leboucher, general manager of Atout France, tourists from Belgium, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany spend the most.

At the beginning of June, the professional association Entreprises du voyage (APEV) also revealed its very optimistic trends for the summer. In the leisure segment, the number of files increased by 8% compared to 2019 for a turnover which jumped by 20%. The average budget is therefore increasing, which makes it possible to absorb part of the current rise in transport costs, and the length of stays is also increasing: +15% in July and August, ie one day more on average.

Holidays even in times of inflation

Thursday, the boss of Fram did not hide his enthusiasm for this new confirmation that the summer will be fruitful for tourism players. The latter expected that the current economic, geopolitical and social context would have a negative impact on the holidays of the French, but, a priori, this is not the case. ” Customers are there “, And this, ” despite the increases “, he notes. Three-quarters of holidaymakers from France take holidays in France, while “ 25% of French people go abroad ».

“With inflation, the war in Ukraine, the pension reform, I expected a slightly worse summer in terms of demand, and we feel that the French really want to go on vacation,” he said. he continued.

The economies of containment

Pendant « the period of coronavirus and confinements, the French have saved, and I think that some of them use their savings to have fun and holidays are a pleasure purchase “says Alain de Medonca.

In addition, the average basket of holidaymakers who have booked with Fram is “up by 5 to 10% depending on the destination”, with greater increases for distant destinations, “ in Asia or America » et “lowest in Europe “, he added. Abroad, the key destinations for the French remain the same: Italy, Spain, Greece, Tunisia and Morocco.

Fall uncertainties

However, concern is being felt over the fall. Jean-Pierre Mas, the president of Apev notes that there is no visibility on September, with very few long-term commitments. The reduction in time for purchasing decisions, already seen during the health crisis, therefore seems to be confirmed for the moment. The uncertainties linked to the war in Ukraine and a possible resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic naturally weigh on the confidence of passengers to commit well in advance. But Jean-Pierre Mas sees further, and raises the question of a structural dimension to this movement. For his part, Marc Rochet confirms that there is already a low for September and October.

(With AFP)

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