Optical Illusion: Can You Pass the World’s Fastest IQ Test? You have 13 seconds!

Optical illusion

Can you pass the world’s fastest IQ test? You have 13 seconds!

In a short video you can see an area of ​​letters, more precisely the letter «X». But there is another letter hidden somewhere. Can you find out which and how many of them?


You only have 13 seconds. Can you do it?

  • There are countless IQ tests on the Internet.

  • One of them comes with an optical illusion and is currently baffling the internet.

  • In order to successfully complete the test, you need to be quick on the uptake.

An area with letters can be seen, more precisely the letter «X». The characters are arranged in 19 columns and nine rows. This optical illusion is currently baffling the internet. Ups are also hidden between the letters arranged in a straight line. Can you find out how many? According to the Jagran Josh website, only people with a higher IQ can complete the task. If so, it would probably be the fastest IQ test in the world. how are you doing

Don’t read any further if you still want to find out the answer for yourself.

As already mentioned, you only have 13 seconds for the test. How many «Y» are hiding in there? If you’re quick on the uptake, you might pass the test. The answer: There are six Ys hidden between the uniform rows of «X»s. Our brains are so biased that they resist the fact that this is where Upsilons are hiding. It perceives the first impression that it is an even arrangement of «X»s. The deviation can only be perceived with increased attention and concentration.

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