“Opposition to Relocation of Aira Livestock Hygiene Center: Kirishima City Residents’ Groups Fight Back”

2023-04-17 10:28:00

Relocation of Aira Livestock Hygiene Hygiene Center Residents G opposition even at the second briefing session Discussion remains parallel Kirishima City, Kagoshima Prefecture[04/17 19:28]

Kagoshima Prefecture plans to relocate the aging Aira Livestock Hygiene Service Center to Makizono-cho, Kirishima City, but local residents are calling for it to be withdrawn. On the 16th, the second public information session was held, but the discussion remained parallel.

(Residents of Makisono Town) “I strongly oppose building a facility in the cultural zone.”

The Aira Livestock Sanitation Center is one of six facilities established by the prefecture to prevent infectious diseases in livestock. The prefecture plans to relocate the facility to Makizono-cho, Kirishima City and start operation from the next fiscal year.

However, there are also plans to build a facility for dissecting and incinerating livestock whose cause of death is unknown.

Although the population of the Makien district is just over 5,800, residents’ groups opposed to the plan have so far collected approximately 4,300 signatures from inside and outside the district.

On the 16th, the second information session for residents was held locally since January, and according to the prefecture, regarding 100 people participated.

(Hiroyuki Osono, Prefectural Livestock Division, Livestock Quarantine) “I don’t think it’s a facility that will have an impact on the environment. I want people to understand that the presence of the facility won’t reduce the number of tourists.”

At the briefing session, the prefectural government once once more asked for understanding of the relocation, but there was opposition from the residents’ groups.

(Resident of Makisono Town) “A place where many people come from outside.

The briefing session lasted for regarding two and a half hours, but the opinions of both sides remained parallel. The meeting with the governor requested by the resident group has not been realized, and the key to solving the situation remains unclear.

(Representative of Yoshinori Kaishima, Residents’ Group) “We’re repeating the same thing over and over once more, and we’re not making any progress. We’ll continue to say that this is not the case, and we’ll do our best until people understand.”

(Prefectural Livestock Division Hiroyuki Osono, Chief of Animal Quarantine) “It was difficult to get their understanding.

Although the discussion remains parallel, the prefecture plans to proceed with the consideration without changing the location, and wants to start construction within this fiscal year.

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