“Opposition Forces and Free Patriotic Movement in Search of Unified Presidential Candidate”

2023-05-16 03:20:31

There was intense anticipation, according to An-Nahar, regarding what the secret meetings and frantic contacts would lead to the opposition forces and the Free Patriotic Movement reaching a unified presidential candidate. Otherwise, things will return to square one. The ongoing contacts and attempts for the opposition forces and the Free Patriotic Movement to reach a decisive agreement on the name of a new presidential candidate reached its climax yesterday, as it was reported that a meeting was held far from the lights between the representatives of these forces yesterday evening. This coincided with the escalation of confusion regarding the final position that the head of the “Free Patriotic Movement” MP Gebran Bassil is supposed to take, whether it is true what was reported regarding communication between him and the first security man in “Hezbollah” Wafiq Safa in an advanced attempt to re-float the agreement between the two “allies” on The presidential file, following their understanding was shaken to the extreme, or not. Perhaps the remarkable development in this context is that the efforts that escalated among the opposition forces to decide on the name of the candidate to adopt stopped at the last quarter of an hour, which became subject to the decisive position that Gebran Bassil is supposed to take, as for his decisive exit from any understanding with “Hezbollah” and agreement with the opposition. on the name of a joint candidate, and either his attempt to respect the party or avoid decisiveness once more for not cutting a hair with him. It is known that the screening of the names that took place between the opposition forces and the contacts that took place between them and the “current” confirmed the names of each of Jihad Azour, Salah Hanin and Ziyad Baroud, amidst an application for the name of Jihad Azour. In the last two days, the shares of Representative Nima Avram in the negotiating scenes between these forces also rose.

And while the “Lebanese Forces” refused to reveal the names, prominent responsible sources in it told “An-Nahar”: “We cannot say, “Foul will be made by force.” There is progress, communication, meetings and interaction, but things are linked to their conclusions. And waiting for these conclusions, nothing can be certain. What can be said: The opposition is in constant contact, and there is a constant effort to reach an agreement on one candidate, provided that this candidate has half plus one, otherwise we will remain on the nomination of Representative Michel Moawad. She pointed out that “the new development that has entered the line is the communication between the opposition and the Free Patriotic Movement.” If this is achieved, we will move to a new scene, and the opposition and the “current” will have put together the Shiite duo, “Hezbollah” and the “Amal” movement, before a new presidential fait accompli, in which it bears the responsibility for not opening the parliament and for not reaching the candidate who wins the votes he received. qualify him to be elected president of the country.” And in the event that Basil does not intersect with the opposition, things will remain as they are with regard to the “forces.” The entitlement was moved by the intersection between the opposition and the “mainstream” over one candidate. Therefore, what we hope is to hold successive sessions of parliament, which is what Dr. Samir Geagea called for today (yesterday).

For its part, Al-Akhbar indicated that caution still surrounds the positive indications that have been promoted regarding the results of the mediation led by the head of the Kataeb Party, Sami Gemayel, between Maarab and Mirna Chalouhi, to agree on nominating a candidate to be carried by the two main Christian blocs and the opponents of the head of the Marada Movement, Suleiman Franjieh, to an election session. President of the Republic when President Nabih Berri called for it.

The optimism stems from the “bug” that Franjieh’s opponents found themselves in, following the signing of the Iranian-Saudi agreement and the resulting developments, most notably Riyadh’s openness to Damascus, and its “neutral” position on the presidential crisis, as conveyed by Ambassador Walid al-Bukhari in terms of the absence of a veto over the Marada president. What necessitated “unifying the opponents in isolation from the conflicting accounts.” As for the caution, it is due to the lack of a new registration regarding the names of the candidates, which “has become confined to two names, one of which is the former minister, Jihad Azour.” In addition, what disturbs the atmosphere of satisfaction with open and direct communication is “concern and lack of confidence in the seriousness of Representative Gebran Bassil, even if he really will go to an agreement with The opposition forces are on a name without coordination with Hezbollah,” and stressing the need to wait for the outcome of his meeting with the official of the Liaison and Coordination Unit in Hezbollah, Wafiq Safa, noting that no one confirmed that this meeting took place. Representative Ghassan Hasbani, a member of the “Strong Republic” bloc, was clear in conveying this atmosphere, as he hoped that “Basil would not use his communication with the opposition as a negotiating card with Hezbollah,” pointing out that “we work with our convictions, and not intersecting with the current on a name does not mean inability to Gathering the majority because there are other forces that may contribute to securing the majority of the 65. In this context, sources in the opposition say that “the ball is in Bassil’s court, and he must decide whether he can follow the name of the agreed-upon candidate in case he fails to convince Hezbollah of him.”

On the other hand, sources following the movement of Franjieh’s opponents described it as “an attempt by these forces to fortify their position, amidst the attempt by both sides of the conflict to score points, similar to the relief that prevailed among the team supporting Franjieh following the Bukhari tour.” She pointed out that “Franjieh’s opponents say that there is an agreement on Azour, but no one has contacted him yet. Are they confident that he will accept the nomination, and do they nominate him before knowing what conditions he will set?” Likewise, the sources pointed out that the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, should not be considered “in the pocket,” as he does not look with much satisfaction at the options that result from the agreement of the forces and the movement, and it was clear when he said in a television interview, last night, that “ The problem is between Bassil and (Samir) Geagea, as they are the ones who place vetoes on the candidates … and when they agreed, they brought Michel Aoun to the presidency! He repeated the call for a “settlement candidate”.

In addition, political sources following the electronic newspaper “Al-Anbaa” reported MP Michel Moawad’s insistence on sticking to his candidacy in exchange for the candidacy of former minister Suleiman Franjieh, until the opposition agrees on another candidate, because it is illogical that there is no competitor for Franjieh at this stage, according to these sources that She indicated that the opposition has intensified its meetings to choose its candidate, who will be among the names approved by Bkerki, namely, Army Commander Joseph Aoun, former ministers Jihad Azour and Ziyad Baroud, MP Nima Avram and former MP Salah Hanin. According to the sources, the names of Azour and Avram are ahead of the other candidates.

The sources attributed the delay in announcing the name of the candidate approved by the opposition Christian blocs to the existing contacts away from the media with Representative Gebran Bassil following informing them of the acceptance of the option of adopting the support of Frem, but in return he mortgages this position to knowing Hezbollah’s intentions if it is ready to withdraw Franjieh or will remain attached to it. In light of this, the position of Bassil and the strong Lebanon bloc is determined, which means that the announcement of the opposition candidate will be delayed until next week, contrary to what was hinted at in the past hours.

In parallel, former MP Joseph Ishaq confirmed in an interview with the electronic newspaper, Al-Anbaa, that “the opposition forces are working to unify their ranks and announce their candidate in opposition to the candidate of the defiance team, Suleiman Franjieh, following making sure that the Shiite duo refused to withdraw him from circulation, as this may affect their reputation as a political party that holds In the joints of the state for more than ten years, in the absence of international and regional pressures that force them to enter into the settlements taking place in the region.

Ishaq praised the Saudi position in support of Lebanon and Saudi Arabia’s non-interference in its internal affairs, unlike other external powers. He said: Saudi Arabia wants Lebanon’s interest and does not interfere with settlements, considering in parallel that “electing the president of the republic is not an easy matter even if the opposition was able to nominate its candidate and secure his victory with an absolute majority of 65 votes, wondering: Will Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri call for a session to elect the president? Or will this team return to the game of disrupting the quorum and using the white paper? These data are sufficient to determine the course of the next stage.

Isaac ruled out any influence of the five-party meeting on the presidential file, despite the conviction of many politicians that the issue of electing the President of the Republic is being prepared abroad, while the truth is quite the opposite. He said if there is no pure intention to agree internally on electing the president, then neither the five-party nor the six-party meeting is able to resolve the crisis as long as Hezbollah holds the joints of the state and confiscates its decision by force of arms, and the solution remains in Iran’s hand, ruling out because of that a solution to the Lebanese crisis without international pressure on Iran. .

#quarter #hour #mortgaged #Basil



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