They explained point by point the reasons why they did not vote in favor.
Freddy Valera, Dayana Hernández, Héctor Barrios and Zaida Vahlis in the last session of the Bolívar State Legislative Council (Cleb) refused to vote in favor of the budget for fiscal year 2023, because they consider it “unreal”.
In a statement to the press, they decided to explain.
The parliamentarians commented that “because it contained defects of origin, did not contemplate the inflationary impact or stop the unstoppable devaluation of the Bolívar” they voted once morest it.
For this first reason, they decided “not to approve the global amount of the project budget, nor its resource input structure.”
In the same order of ideas, they explained that this approved law “does not have an amount of constitutional status officially approved in the National Assembly, so it would be something very delicate.”
Héctor Barrios commented that “it was last Friday when the National Executive introduced for discussion the Budget Bill for the Economic and Financial Exercise of 2023, under the veil of opacity and constitutional protocols.”
“There is a constitutional situation that has not yet been discussed or approved, much less officially promulgated,” Barrios said.
Another point that they raised once morest is that “it is outside of all legal and administrative norms, and it can be reflected in the political unanimity to which regional deputies are used to sitting.”
With the table in hand, they decided to show that “the Bolívar state budget will have a deficit of 105 million Bs. due to inflation alone, therefore, this total amount must be modified to an amount greater than 605 million Bs.”
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