Opposition creates 27,000 groups to “protection” the vote for the presidential elections

The presidential candidate of the Unitary Democratic Platform (PUD), Edmundo González Urrutia, introduced this Tuesday that greater than 27,000 ‘comanditos’ have been fashioned, work groups that can mobilize voters and make a “protection” of the vote within the subsequent presidential elections. 28 of July.

González reiterated that political events and social organizations “are known as to the institutional, financial and social restoration of Venezuela.”

“Right now, greater than 27,000 commanders have been established all through the nation and a construction that can enable us to defend the favored vote,” stated the candidate throughout a political occasion during which he obtained the help of social-Christian leaders.

As well as, he stated he was “proud” of this motion that works “for the restoration of freedom and dignity of all Venezuelans,” whereas asking to persuade those that have “doubts or worry” forward of the elections.

“We have now to ensure that we’ve got a construction, a strong, metal platform, like we’ve got by no means performed earlier than, to make sure that each vote counts (…) we’ve got to achieve each coronary heart of Venezuela,” he insisted.

#Opposition #creates #groups #protection #vote #presidential #elections
2024-06-27 03:55:37

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