“Opposition against Judicial Reform Continues: Thousands Protest in Israel for 18 Weeks”

2023-05-06 16:54:22


Opponents of judicial reform remain mobilized after 18 weeks

In Tel Aviv and other cities, thousands of Israelis demonstrated again on Saturday against the Netanyahu government’s plan.


As often, it was in Tel Aviv, the large coastal city, that the opponents were the most numerous on Saturday.


Thousands of Israelis have reunited again Saturday in different cities of Israel, as for 18 weeks, to mark their opposition to the judicial reform project of the government of Binyamin Netanyahu, denouncing also the economic impact of the current status quo.

“National Fiasco Minister”

Several hundred people demonstrated in Rehovot, a medium-sized city in central Israel, waving the national flag and blocking a traffic junction. But, as often, it was in Tel Aviv, the large coastal city, that the opponents were the most numerous, noted an AFP journalist. After gathering in Habima Square, the thousands of demonstrators marched towards Kaplan Street, again waving Israeli flags and singing songs hostile to Prime Minister Netanyahu. “Minister of the national fiasco”, could we also read on a sign bearing the image of the Minister of Public Security Itamar Ben Gvir (extreme right), brandished by a demonstrator.

Police do not provide official figures on the number of participants in the protests, which began in January in the wake of the announcement of the plan by the Netanyahu government, one of the most right-wing in Israel’s history. For him, the text aims, among other things, to rebalance powers by reducing the prerogatives of the Supreme Court, which the Executive considers politicized, for the benefit of Parliament. Critics of the reform believe, on the contrary, that it risks leading to an illiberal drift.

Negotiations for a month

On March 27, Binyamin Netanyahu announced a “pause” to give a “chance (…) to dialogue”, but the mobilization has not run out of steam so far. In a statement on Saturday, rally organizers again accused the prime minister of wanting to turn Israel into a “dangerous and messianic dictatorship.” “As long as the discussions continue at the residence of the president, no investment enters Israel and the economy collapses”, they further estimated.

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President of the State of Israel Isaac Herzog leads negotiations for a month with representatives of the government and the opposition in order to reach a compromise on the terms of this reform, but without announcement of progress to date. Thursday, during previous rallies, anti-reform protesters had already added other slogans such as the high cost of living or equality in the face of military service, from which the ultra-Orthodox are exempt. Supporters of judicial reform massively mobilized on April 27 in Jerusalem, at the call of the ruling coalition.

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