Opponents will not attend session on validity of judicial reform

Opponents will not attend session on validity of judicial reform

MEXICO CITY.- The opposition parties PRI, PAN y Citizen Movement They confirmed that they will not attend the sessions to declare the constitutional validity of the reform of the judiciary.

Tomorrow Friday these sessions will be held at the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic.

“If they are not going to take positions, I think they don’t need us, they can do it themselves. […] They already have the Judas legislators there, who can do whatever they want with them,” he said. Carolina Viggiano Austriageneral secretary of the PRI.

Opponents will miss the session to validate the reform

Guadalupe Murguiacoordinator of the PAN In the Senate, he confirmed that PAN legislators will be absent from tomorrow’s session.

“We cannot and must not approve an illegitimate and spurious reform riddled with deficiencies in the legislative process.”

Alejandro ‘Alito’ Moreno, PRI leader, together with the party coordinators in the Congress of the Union They also confirmed that the PRI members will not be present at the session.

These are sessions “in which the ruling party seeks to improperly enact the Reform of the Judicial Branch.”

The coordinators of Citizen Movement In both chambers they reported that their legislators will not attend the session in the Senate tomorrow at 2:00 p.m.

“Citizen Movement will not attend either the Senate or the Chamber of Deputies. This is the party of the regime and the consummation of the robbery of the nation,” he said. Clemente Castaneda.

After tomorrow’s sessions, Friday, the Executive will be able to publish the reform in the Official Journal of the Federation of September 15, when it will come into force.

In addition, the PRI and the PAN announced that they will appeal to national and international bodies to challenge the president’s reform. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

‘Alito’ Moreno indicated that the PRI will go to national and international bodies in the coming days to challenge and denounce the inconsistencies of the legislative process.

The PRI member denounced that during the legislative process pressures, threats and violence prevailed against opposition legislators, students and workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

The Movimiento Ciudadano bench is also preparing a legal defense of the rights of the workers of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, as well as its autonomy.

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2024-09-21 11:24:27



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