The company Oppo earlier announced its smartphone, Oppo A95, and in completing the series, it recently launched the modern version of it, the Oppo A96, where the modern version uses the Snapdragon 680 processor, which is a more powerful processor than the previous one, and uses modern 6-nano technology, with a large battery of 5000 mA, and an LCD screen, not like the previous version where it was AMOLED, and in this article we will learn regarding the specifications of the modern phone in the following lines.
Oppo A96 phone specifications:
• Contains two SIM cards.
• The phone supports the second, third, and fourth generation networks.
• The phone is made of durable plastic.
• Resistant to dust, but in a small proportion.
• Slightly resistant to water splash.
• LCD screen type.
• The screen size is 6.59 inches.
• Supports refresh rate up to 90 Hz.
• Snapdragon 680 processor.
• It contains a selfie camera with a precision of up to 16 mega pixels.
• It has a dual (dual) rear camera with a resolution of 50 mega-pixels, and a second 2-megapixel camera.
• Shoot videos up to a very high quality 1080 megapixels.
• It contains a microphone that isolates noise.
• Fingerprint sensor.
• Face print.
• A powerful battery with a capacity of 5000 mAh.
• Supports 33W fast charging.
• The phone supports reverse charging.
• The operating system is Android 11.
• The phone is available in some wonderful and attractive colors that suit all tastes, such as pink and black.