Opinions of Doctors on Mass Vaccination for COVID-19: Survey Results and Ministry of Health’s Proposal

2023-08-18 14:11:58

More than half of doctors (73%) believe that mass vaccination of the population is not needed due to the stabilization of the situation with COVID-19. Every seventh doctor (14.4%) does not have a clear opinion on this issue, the distance education service for health workers Vrachu.ru reported (a copy of the report is at the disposal of MV), citing data from a survey of 2,352 health workers. Doctors and nursing staff were asked to evaluate the proposal of the Ministry of Health to refuse to carry out mass vaccination against coronavirus.

The study was conducted from 11 to 16 August 2023 in all regions.

12.6% of health workers were in favor of maintaining mass vaccination. At the same time, the majority of 92.8% of respondents reported that, compared with the situation a year ago, there were significantly fewer cases of diseases. Only 5.9% said that the decrease in incidence is small.

In one of the questions, respondents were asked if they observed a decrease in the number of patients with a complex course of the disease. A significant decrease in patients with severe disease is observed by 93.7% of respondents. Another 4.9% said that although there were fewer “severe” patients with COVID-19, but not by much. Only 1.1% reported that the number of such patients had not changed.

“We see that doctors on the ground support the proposal to stop mass vaccination. Given the improvement in the epidemic situation, this seems to be a logical step. This will also reduce the burden on the healthcare system and physicians, ”the CEO of Vrachu.ru explained the results of the study. Igor Stepanyukov.

The Ministry of Health will soften the requirements for vaccinating citizens against coronavirus due to the stabilization of the epidemic situation, wrote MV. At the same time, it will remain mandatory for vulnerable categories of the population. This group includes people over 60; citizens with chronic diseases, including those of the bronchopulmonary system, tuberculosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and obesity; patients with primary or secondary immunodeficiencies, including those with HIV infection, autoimmune, oncological and oncohematological diseases. In addition, it is proposed to vaccinate all citizens over 18 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated and have not been ill.

Revaccination is suggested one year after the last immunization. According to the current legislation, three categories of citizens are subject to mandatory vaccination against coronavirus, including medical workers and teachers.

According to the annual report of Rospotrebnadzor, in 2022 the rate of vaccination against coronavirus in Russia has more than halved compared to the previous year. During the past year, 30 million people were vaccinated, while in 2021 almost 70 million. Residents of Tatarstan, Moscow and the Moscow region are most willing to be vaccinated.

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