“Operation sharp”: Financial police checked 221 kebab stands – numerous violations

Following several tips and reports, the financial police carried out targeted checks on kebab stands in all federal states between August 12 and 16. According to Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (VP), the results are “frightening”: the vast majority of the 221 businesses inspected were not operating in accordance with the law, and a total of 272 violations were uncovered.

According to a press release from the ministry, the main complaints were about illegal work, missing or unused cash registers and violations of the trade regulations.

Of the 418 employees checked, 286 were of foreign origin, and in many cases there were violations: 51 violations due to incorrect or non-existent working time records, 40 cases of social security reporting violations, 13 violations of the Foreigners Employment Act, 10 violations of the Unemployment Insurance Act and two cases of wage dumping.

No cash register

The financial police also identified violations of the cash register requirement: in 48 cases the cash register was missing or simply not used. In addition, in 60 cases no invoice was issued or the invoice was incorrect. In addition, almost 40,000 euros in tax arrears were collected during the inspections.

At three kebab stands, hygiene conditions were so poor that the food inspectorate had to be notified. The businesses now face additional payments, extremely severe penalties and further investigations due to the numerous violations.



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