opening of the hunting season 2022/2023

The kick-off of the 2022-2023 hunting season was given on Sunday in Benslimane by the director general of the National Water and Forests Agency, Abderrahim Houmi and the governor of Benslimane province, Samir Elyazidi.

Speaking on this occasion, Houmi indicated that the establishment of the National Agency for Water and Forests and the adoption of the new strategy “The forests of Morocco 2020/2030) will strengthen the forestry sector within the framework a dynamic of sustainable development that preserves ecological balances.

In this context, he emphasized the importance of the adherence of all hunters to the development plans of this sector, stressing the need to respect the organizational measures dictated at this level, particularly those related to the number of game. hunted every day and respect for protected areas.

The launch of the hunting season was marked by the presentation of data on hunting in Morocco linked to the number of practitioners, which amounts to 80,000 registered within the framework of 2,000 associations.

To guarantee the smooth running of this hunting season, the National Water and Forests Agency has programmed several actions, including the conclusion and renewal of rental contracts for the benefit of associations and tourist hunting companies and the adoption of organizational measures approved by the higher hunting council. The agency has also mobilized its units to signpost protected areas.

Maps of areas open to hunting have also been designed and published via the Agency’s website.

On this occasion, the Director General of the National Agency for Water and Forests launched the application for this service (ANEF CHASSEURS) which can be downloaded directly from the agency’s website. the first version of this application allows users to have the information they need.

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