Open the picture “6 blister stages” may be “smallpox”

Ministry of Public Health says WHO assesses smallpox monkey pox at medium risk slow spread The symptoms of smallpox are mild. It’s not an emergency. Worldwide, no deaths have been reported. Still haven’t found smallpox in Thailand.

On June 6, 2022, Mr.Anutin Charnvirakul Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health address the situationsmallpoxormonkey poxin Thailand that Department of Disease Control have been monitored at all times I hope everyone can take care of themselves. which we must avoid touch We need to know where the risk groups are. and avoid putting yourself in a risky spot. Pride At Silom, the attendees had to be vigilant in accordance with their practices. The Ministry of Health also has to be vigilant. related to the organization of how to behave and has been publicized through the media all the time

On the side of Dr. Opas Karnkawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control (Cor.) said Smallpox (monkey pox) contact from animals to humans by touching the secretions or wounds of sick animals or eating undercooked animals and from person to person by close contact especially the patient’s wound, including the patient’s clothing and respiratory secretions. or touching contaminated objects Sexual contact is still a hypothesis. But there is not enough evidence to support it.

Important clinical information is incubation periodRelatively long 5-21 days. The main symptoms are fever, headache, body aches. Rarely runny nose. After 1-3 days of fever, a rash spreads across the body, arms, legs and face. Most of them go away on their own. There may be complications and death, but not often found. The appearance of the blisters can come in many forms, ranging from red to clear, purulent, blistered, dry and scaly. The presence of the blister alone does not indicate that it is monkey pox. because it is similar to many diseases Clinical symptoms are one of the helpers. But confirmation requires laboratory testing.

Global situation, as of June 5, 2022, reported in 43 countries. More than 900 confirmed cases. But the nature of the outbreak is not fast. compared to COVID-19 Because following a month following the outbreak was reported If there is COVID-19, there will be 10 million infected people already. Most of the symptoms are mild. No deaths have been reported. The most common countries are Spain, England, Portugal, Canada, Germany.

Thailand hasSurveillance of monkey pox in Thailand There is a screening system for travelers from abroad. define patient diagnosis Prepare for laboratory testing, investigation, control and disease prevention. and provide vaccines if needed. The only vaccine available is the smallpox vaccine for humans. But there have already begun research studies on the monkeypox vaccine specifically. expect to know the result and being used soon, Thailand itself has been monitoring and coordinating. now also havesmallpox vaccineIn the warehouse of the Pharmaceutical Organization is a number. Which the Department of Medical Sciences has checked that it is still alive, you have to consider how to use it Including coordination with the World Health Organization, which has a number of vaccine stocks. But the situation at the moment does not require a vaccine. but not careless There is a coordinated preparation.

disease health organizationmoderate risk assessment It’s not an emergency. even meet many countries but not spreading quickly mild symptoms unlimited travel of people Just a reminder to be careful and organize a surveillance system. which Thailand has done And yet, monkey pox has not been found in Thailand. There were 6 suspects, but were found to be herpes simplex. Thailand’s risk may occur. Because Thailand is closed to travelers from around the world. but believe that if good cooperation Will be able to detect patients and control the disease not to spread out. and asked to follow up on information from the Ministry of Public Health to take lessons periodically If any people have any doubts, they can consult a doctor for further diagnosis,” said Dr Opas.

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