Open letter to Muharrem İnce, Ümit Özdağ and Sinan Ogan

2023-04-20 01:00:54

Dear Muharrem Ince, we met you for the first time in Yalova, at the opening ceremony of Poetry Street. If I remember correctly, we both recited poetry at that ceremony. We also had a short but nice conversation regarding poetry.

After that Haluk CetinYou watched our poetry-music concert with .

Because as much as you are a politician, maybe even before that, you are a poet, a person of emotion who knows what poetry is and what it is not.

Later on, we walked in the same ranks, shoulder to shoulder in the March for Justice.

Needless to say, I was among those who watched, applauded and voted for you in the previous presidential election.

Dear Umit OzdagOf course, you know that every time we meet with you, there is a sincere greeting, a sincere exchange of words and thoughts, albeit a short one.

You may also remember that I told you regarding our meeting with your dear father.

The youngest of the soldiers who carried out May 27, Muzaffer OzdagIn 1965, we visited the Sıhhiye club of the Idea Clubs Federation, of which I was one of the founders, and exchanged views on the problems of the country and the world.

You are the worthy child of a patriotic father. I know that your nationalism is not from a chauvinistic, racist, outdated thought, but from your love for the country you belong to, its history and culture, it is Atatürk’s nationalism. It is an obvious fact that you are a modern, civilized, true patriot and scientist. In fact, you are closer to being a scientist and thinker than a politician. By necessity, you are in politics to serve your country.

Dear Sinan Ogan, we haven’t met you personally. But in TV programs, your respectful, measured and sincere speeches have always attracted my attention.

Dear İnce, Dear Özdağ, Dear Ogan,

After the introduction, which I will always defend every word of this, I come to what I want to say without further ado, and you can already guess what it will be.

The fateful election is approaching. When Turkey is on the brink of the abyss, the value of our money, which means the honor of the country, has been zeroed once morest world currencies, while citizens of not only developed capitalist countries, but even neighboring countries that can still be considered poor, come to Turkey with their own money as if they are colonies and loot our markets and coasts, while the children of this country are only traveling to other countries. While it has been a dream to move from one place to another even within their own countries, while Turkish citizenship has turned into a market commodity, our children are growing weak and unhealthy by not being fed enough, education has collapsed and a modern education can only be reached by paying very high prices, it is increasingly unlivable for its citizens in every sense and in every field. While our beloved country, which has turned into a country, is rapidly being dragged into colonization, disintegration, and destruction, while all these are obvious and very bitter facts, an insignificant number of our people, who have been deceived, ignorant and frightened, seem to be unaware of the catastrophes that we are living and much greater ones are coming. .

For these and other similar reasons that might be multiplied endlessly, even a single vote is vital in the upcoming fateful elections.

We are all witnesses to the disappointment of the 1994 Istanbul Municipal Elections, as candidates who are in favor of contemporary thought and the values ​​of the Republic entered the elections with separate lists.

The same bitter result was experienced in the election of Ankara Mayor in the same year for the same reasons.

Dear İnce, Dear Özdağ, Dear Ogan,

Although your political views or opinions may differ, you are not different, we are not different in terms of the values ​​of the Republic and modernity.

In fact, most (potentially an overwhelming majority) of our country’s people stand by these values.

Now, we are all at the crossroads as a whole country.

Life, history, destiny offers you a choice in this process.

Will even a single game contribute to the victory of all of us, all patriots, modernity, Enlightenment and the values ​​of our Republic in the first round of the election, by clinging around the Nation Alliance candidate in the presidential election, in which it is of vital importance, by withdrawing from the candidacy in his favor, or will our beloved country be at a gambling table with an uncertain outcome? Will you be left with the possibility of a bad fate?

My dear, dear friends, brothers, and compatriots, I am calling out to you not only as a beloved poet of our beloved country, and as a world-renowned poet, but also as your elder brother. Of course, enter the parliamentary elections with your own parties. You deserve it. I sincerely hope that you will come out of the parliamentary elections stronger. But in the presidential election, please find a solution and unite around the National Alliance candidate.

First of all, these words, which can be perceived as a cry of anxiety coming from the heart of a patriot, are not only mine, but I believe that all patriots support the Artists Initiative, Pen Writers Association, Writers Union of Turkey and similar, although I have not spoken to them individually. It is the cry of all my artist and literary friends who make up art-cultural organizations, and all the art and culture people of this country without exception.

You cannot remain silent and insensitive to this scream. You must not stay.

#Open #letter #Muharrem #İnce #Ümit #Özdağ #Sinan #Ogan



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