Open letter from the GÖD Health Union to Health Minister Rauch

2024-08-15 22:00:20

Dear Minister of Health,

Today, on behalf of the members of the GÖD Health Alliance, we once again draw attention to the serious injustices present in the current onerous work regulations, which particularly affect the health and care industry. These professions, which make an integral contribution to our society, are severely disadvantaged by current regulations and we demand that this unequal treatment be remedied immediately.

Under current regulations, employees in many occupational groups must complete 120 hours of hard work per month to be recognized as a hard work month. However, employees in the health and care industry are subject to stricter standards: they must work 180 hours to receive the same recognition. This equates to an additional one-third of working hours – an unreasonable additional burden on these already highly challenged professional groups.

Nurses and healthcare professionals face physical and emotional challenges every day that often exceed the severity levels considered by other professions. The constant contact with patients and those in need of care, the enormous responsibility for their well-being, and the prevailing time pressures and staff shortages bring significant stress. Accepted. This additional burden violates the principle of equal treatment and is unacceptable.

Mr. Health Minister, on behalf of the GÖD Health Union, we urgently appeal to you to put an immediate end to this unequal treatment. It is necessary to focus on the actual burden of employees and change the monthly assessment of all professional groups from daily assessment to hourly assessment, 120 hours.

Fair regulation would not only benefit those affected, but would also send a clear signal of appreciation to the professions that play a central role in our society. People in the health and care industry make a valuable contribution to the well-being of our society every day. Not only should this work be respected, but it should also be given due consideration in laws and regulations.

Therefore, we call on you to address this issue during the legislative period and take the necessary steps to reform onerous labor regulations to achieve fairness and justice.

We are publishing this letter to draw public attention to this urgent need. Now is the time for fair and equitable adjustments to labor-heavy regulations.


Reinhard Wald

Chairman of the GÖD Health Alliance

#Open #letter #GÖD #Health #Union #Health #Minister #Rauch



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