ooh Volksblatt: “A strong center is necessary” (by Herbert SCHICHO)

2023-04-24 21:30:16

Edition of April 25, 2023

Linz LH Haslauer throws himself into work at full speed, he wants to explore the next three days, make a decision on Friday and then start negotiations on Monday. All three theoretical partners have declared their basic willingness to work together. But it will be interesting to see whether the SPÖ in Salzburg, like in Lower Austria, will put itself out with red lines. In the case of the FPÖ, it is a bit questionable whether they can shed their opposition habitus on the government bench. And the Greens have the problem that they are simply not needed mathematically. These are difficult challenges for LH Haslauer.
But it also makes sense to look back at the election. Because the voters are obviously flirting with the opposition role. Being against is “in”. Whether it’s about sanctions against Russia, corona measures or the free market, many voters say “yes” to “no”. And the sharper and more radical the position, the more encouragement. However, the trend of no longer honoring compromise and thus the essence of democracy is dangerous. And even if it is clearly not the majority: Democracy needs a strong centre: if the political fringes become too strong, the social balance threatens to tip over.

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ooh Volksblatt, Editor-in-Chief
0732/7606 DW 782

#ooh #Volksblatt #strong #center #Herbert #SCHICHO

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