Online service X briefly blocked Navalny’s widow’s account

The note appeared on Yulia Navalnaya’s account, which had been set up just the day before: “Account blocked. X blocks accounts that violate our rules.” No further details were initially given about the reasons.

Julia Navalnja had previously demanded that Moscow hand over her husband’s body on the X online service. “I don’t care what the killer’s spokesman says about my words,” Navalnaya wrote on Tuesday. “Give Alexei’s body back and let us give him a decent burial – don’t stop people from saying goodbye to him,” she demanded.

“Unfounded and outrageous”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected Navalnaya’s allegations that Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin killed her husband on Tuesday as “unfounded and outrageous,” according to Russian news agencies. In a video message on Monday, the 47-year-old blamed Putin for Navalny’s death in the prison camp north of the Arctic Circle and announced that she would continue her husband’s fight against the Kremlin chief’s system.

Peskov said that neither he nor Putin had watched the video message. Given that “Julia Navalnaya is currently widowed,” he wanted to hold back on comments. At the same time, the Kremlin spokesman defended the brutal actions of security forces against Russians who laid flowers and lit candles in many cities across the country in memory of the dead Putin opponent. Peskov said the uniformed officers had fulfilled their duties in accordance with the law.

Mother asked for the body to be released

Meanwhile, Alexei Navalny’s mother addressed Putin via video message and also asked for the body to be released. She is standing in front of the “Polar Wolf” prison camp and has been waiting for the fifth day to be able to see her son, said Lyudmila Navalnaya in the video message published on Tuesday. He died there on February 16th.

“I’m turning to you, Vladimir Putin. The decision on the question depends only on you. Let me finally see my son,” she said. “I demand that Alexei’s body be returned immediately so that I can bury him in a humane manner,” she said. She has not yet received the body nor has she been told where the body will be kept.

According to Navalny’s team, investigators had previously said that the body would be kept under lock and key for another 14 days pending investigation. On the other hand, relatives and employees of the opposition activist are demanding that the body be returned.

Criminal proceedings opened against brother

Meanwhile, Russia has opened a new criminal case against Alexei Navalny’s brother, according to state information. The Tass news agency did not initially report what exactly Oleg Navalny was accused of. The police are already looking for Oleg Navalny. He is already on a wanted list in connection with another matter.

The Kremlin rejected an international investigation into the death of Alexei Navalny called for by the EU. “We do not accept such demands at all,” said Kremlin spokesman Peskov. Moscow sees this as interference in its internal affairs. The EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell had called for such an examination of the body.

Hundreds of people have been arrested in recent days because they publicly commemorated the dead. In urgent proceedings, courts have imposed arrest or fines. Nevertheless, many Russians continued to publicly express their sadness. Navalny’s team criticized the fact that people in Russia are now being arrested for laying flowers.


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