Online Casino: for some a business for many a ruin | The trick behind it

The hidden trick behind digital gambling in online casinos has finally been revealed: a phenomenon that has ruined many people

Gambling has existed since the dawn of time and over the centuries it has evolved taking on the most varied forms, while its main consequence, gambling addiction, a condition of addiction identified as a real disorder, has only one form, but despite this it is very dangerous. Before the advent of the internet, however, to get ruined at the game you needed to physically move and sneak into clandestine gambling dens or very shady yet legal places. At present, however, there is no need to move from your home or even get out of bed or from the sofa. Virtual casinos have multiplied visibly, generating a business that invoices billions shared among a few peoplewhile in the meantime it sends many to ruin. With this very short article we will explain why: we will reveal the reason why online casinos always prevail.

The billion-dollar business of online casinos: the trick

The apps of the various gambling sites were not enough, lately too TwitchAmazon’s live streaming platform, through various streamers, has become a giant interactive online casino.

Live casino: when entertainment becomes ruin

That’s right, after the applications with which you can play slots from your phone, to be able to deposit your entire salary in a few seconds directly from the bathroom of your home, Twitch has also arrived giving life to an even more dynamic game of chance because it involves a huge audience that can comment and play simultaneously. A great interactive show with real croupiers who set up the roulette and slot machines in front of the camera in loop with increasingly exaggerated and engaging reactions. Online casinos have thus offered real contracts to streamers or social media personalities who have participated in this dangerous wave. Some of these are very famous and followed even by the youngest, thus giving a less than exceptional example to the youngest Twitch users. Some names.

live casino entertainment ruinOnline casinos: when entertainment becomes ruin-

Homyatolfor example, a well-known Italian content creator, started playing blackjack online in 2019 to entertain his audience. Or xQcone of the most famous streamers in the world, caused a sensation when he confessed to having lost around 2 million euros on slot machines in just one month. But what is the secret of online casinos?

Why in most cases do online casinos win by invoicing around 82 billion online in 2023 alone according to data from Federconsumatori and CGIL? The secret of online (live) casinos is the structure of a very fun game capable of entertaining the public with a host, exactly as happens in television programs where you win a lot of money.



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