Online calculation with a few clicks

It may be ‘summer’ but… it’s not too late to pay for the Christmas Gift

The weather may still be summer, but Christmas is not far away and the Christmas Present is even “closer”.

Employees are now counting down for the Christmas gift 2023, how will the amount be calculated.

Workers should receive their Christmas gift by Thursday 21 December 2023, a “fixed” date for the payment of the “extra wage” for workers.

Beneficiaries of the Christmas gift are all employees, who are employed in the private sector with an indefinite or fixed-term, full-time or part-time dependent employment relationship with any employer.

The amount that the employees will receive depends on the way the employees are paid, i.e. if they are paid a daily wage or a salary.

The time period for which the Christmas Gift is calculated starts from May 1st until December 31st of each year.
How is it calculated?

The time period calculated for this extraordinary payment is from May 1st to December 31st of each year.

Thus, the employees whose employment relationship with the employer lasted without interruption during the entire time period we mentioned, i.e. from May 1st to December 31st of each year, are entitled to the entire Gift which is equal to one (1) monthly salary for those paid with salary and with 25 days wages for the daily wage earners.

With the new online application created by KEPEA, employees are given the opportunity to calculate the Christmas gift they are entitled to on their own. Calculate the amount you will receive at the link:

#Online #calculation #clicks



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