Onion peels have awesome health and home uses that you never imagined in your mind

The amazing uses of onion peels were not known until recently, and they were thrown into the trash because they were not of any importance, although they carry a beautiful color, whether in the skin of red onions or storage onions, and here we will shed light on the uses that enter onion peels in , which are multiple and different, and it has been found that it has many benefits, so we will provide you with this information so that the onion peel is not disposed of once more, but it is preserved and benefited from.

Amazing uses of onion peels

We will present it in several points so that it is easy to know, benefit from and apply it in life, all from a component that was thrown in the trash and was of no importance.

Maintaining oral and dental health

From onion peel, a solution is used to gargle the mouth to maintain the health of the gums and teeth, because it contains anti-inflammatory and works as a natural antiseptic. It is prepared by making boiled onion peel.

Leg cramp treatment

It is considered one of the home remedies that treat leg cramps, and it is prepared by boiling onion peel in water for up to 20 minutes, following which it is filtered from the water and taken before bedtime, and the leg can also be greased with water.

hair strengthening

Onion juice is used to strengthen hair, as it increases its length and highlights its natural color, in addition to its effective role in eliminating dandruff due to its ability to fight fungi, and it also increases the nutrition of hair follicles, because it contains sulfur, and it maintains the color of hair. The hair gives it luster and luster, and it was benefited from by rinsing the hair with onion peel decoction.

egg coloring

The onion peel is placed with the water in which the eggs are boiled to obtain a beautiful color and a distinctive taste. The eggs can also be colored and dyed with beautiful brown and violet colors, by cooking the eggs and placing the onion peel together in boiling water, or placing the onion peel directly on the egg shell, Then cover it with aluminum foil before cooking.



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