Ongoing Negotiations for Release of Hostages in Gaza: Latest Updates and World Reactions

2023-11-15 00:54:00
Negotiations for the release of the hostages in Gaza are advancing: “We are working incessantly” (Europa Press)

Negotiations for the release of the nearly 240 hostages that Hamas terrorists placed under their control on October 7 are still ongoing, although with a low profile.

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In recent days, official Israeli media and sources close to the talks announced a possible plan that involves the release of some 10 to 15 civilians – several of them Americans – in batches, starting with vulnerable groups, change of a commitment by Tel Aviv to cease hostilities in the Palestinian enclave.

The question still to be debated lies in the duration of these pauses since Hamas asked for at least a week but Benjamin Netanyahu opposed – due to the advantage it would give the terrorists to reorganize – and proposed about three days.

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At the same time, there began to be talk about a second option, with a much larger group of people. It would be a “preliminary agreement” for some 80 Israeli hostages in exchange for a temporary ceasefire and the Jewish State’s commitment to “stay away from health targets (in Gaza), including hospitals,” commented an Egyptian security source. However, there are those who point out that Hamas also demands the release of Palestinian women and minors in Israeli prisons and the entry of fuel into the Strip.

In recent days, two possible plans were known to achieve the release of some of the 240 civilians (EFE)

The Egyptian added that this could happen as soon as “in the next few hours” and would be “a beginning on which to build to reach a ceasefire and restore the two parties – the Israeli and the Palestinian – to the negotiating table.” talks”.

You may be interested: Israel reduced the estimated toll of the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 to 1,200 deaths

Despite these unofficial announcements, Netanyahu remains – as from the beginning – extremely cautious on this issue, avoiding making advance promises or suggesting pacts not yet established.

That is why, for the moment, he did not refer to this information in particular but limited himself to saying that “there could be” a potential agreement thanks to “the pressure that the IDF exerts on Hamas”, especially since the beginning of the ground incursion, and assured that “when there is something concrete, we will inform it.”

He stated, again, that “incessant work” is being carried out to obtain the release of the captives and reiterated that “our hearts are with the hostages and their families.”

The one who seemed a little more confident was US President Joe Biden, who remains in permanent contact with Tel Aviv and the Arab parties involved. The president said confidently that he sees an agreement with Hamas possible and even sent a message of encouragement to those deprived of their liberty: “Resist, we’re coming.”

Joe Biden expressed confidence that some of the agreements will be finalized (EFE)

“I have spoken daily with the people concerned… I think it is going to happen but I don’t want to go into details,” he commented this Tuesday, leaving the door open to a possible announcement soon.

Of the nearly 240 civilians under the control of the terrorists, nine are believed to be Americans and a tenth have permanent residence there.

This pact, like the two previous ones that allowed the freedom of two Americans and two Israelis, would not be possible without the participation of key actors in the process: Egypt and Qatar. Since the beginning of hostilities, the leaders of both nations offered themselves as a link between the terrorists and Israel to reach agreements that would allow peace to be restored little by little.

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Thus, in the last few hours, the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Doha, Mahed ben Mohammed Al-Ansari, called on the parties not to miss this opportunity for mediation and asked to increase their willingness, since the worsening of the situation in Gaza hinders progress.

Qatar and Egypt adopted a fundamental role in mediation between Israel and Hamas (Europa Press)

“The deterioration” harms what has been achieved so far but we do not give up on reaching “a situation in which we can see a ray of hope.” “We believe there is no other opportunity other than this mediation for both parties,” he said.

However, it would not only be Israel’s counteroffensive that hinders these processes; A recent announcement by Islamic Jihad could also hamper the talks.

In the last hours, its leader, Ziad Nakhaled, threatened to interrupt negotiations and wait until “better conditions” are offered.

“The development of the negotiations on the hostages we are holding and Israel’s reactions will probably push the Islamic Jihad out of the agreement,” he denounced in his most recent speech and, therefore, “we can keep them (waiting for) better conditions.” .

According to official estimates, it is believed that this terrorist militia has around 40 civilians under its control while Hamas retains around 180 and the remaining 20 are divided between various actors affiliated with this Islamic Resistance.

Nakhaled’s announcement was surprising since last Thursday, the armed wing had released a video showing a 13-year-old boy and a 77-year-old woman who, as they said then, would be released “for humanitarian reasons.”

The Islamic Jihad released a video with two civilians whom it assured would release for humanitarian reasons.

However, no new news emerged after they commented that they were “ready” to release them and, now, it is doubtful that they can happen.

This exposes the difficulty of the ongoing negotiations – even noted as the “most complicated” in the last decade – in the face of the number of intermediaries.

While negotiations progress at the diplomatic level, official sources regret not being able to provide the families with a more encouraging scenario.

“Until today, none of our hostages met with the Red Cross (…), we do not have any proof of life,” said Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and emphasized the country’s multiple requests so that the professionals of this organization can check people and assist them with food, water and medications that were provided for such tasks.

There have also been no updates on the civilians and their health status that would provide greater clarity on the situation, he added.

Cohen demanded that the Red Cross examine the hostages (Europa Press)

“They must be firmer and clearer in their statements, and exert stronger pressure,” Cohen said against the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

For his part, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said in a press conference that “I can’t look you in the eye and say how many of those hostages are still alive.”

#Negotiations #release #hostages #Gaza #advancing #working #incessantly

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