One Year Commemoration of Thomas Monjoie: Tribute, Justice, and Remembrance

2023-11-10 21:31:03

One year after the death of Thomas Monjoie, a police officer killed on duty in Schaerbeek, a tribute was paid to him Friday afternoon, in the presence of his colleagues and public authorities. Prime Minister Alexander De Croo was notably present at the commemorative ceremony.

“On November 10, 2022, the Brussels North police zone was plunged into the darkest chapter of its history, leaving an indelible imprint in the hearts of our officers,” declared Olivier Slosse, head of the zone in question. That evening, two officers from the Brussels North police zone, Jason and Thomas, suffered a knife attack while they were on patrol in Schaerbeek. Jason was seriously injured in the arm, and Thomas lost his life, creating a shock wave for the “entire police community”, lamented Olivier Slosse. To pay tribute to Thomas Monjoie, colleagues from his police station organized a moment of contemplation in his memory, Friday from 2:30 p.m., in front of the Saint-Josse police station, located rue du Brabant.

Several political representatives were present, including Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, Minister of the Interior Annelies Verlinden, Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt, as well as the three mayors of the Brussels North police zone, namely Cécile Jodogne, Emir Kir and Ridouane Chahid.

During the ceremony, the police chief, Olivier Slosse, spoke, under a commemorative plaque inaugurated Friday morning. A minute of silence closed the moment of contemplation.

“Following this tragedy, a lot of work has already been done to strengthen the security forces. At the municipal level, we have notably hired ten additional police officers for the Brussels North police zone,” declared Emir Kir.

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