One year after the premiere: Tom Hiddleston refers to Loki’s bisexuality | TV and Show

“I hope that the fact that Loki came out as bisexual was meaningful to people who saw it,” Tom Hiddleston told actress Lily James.

during the program Actors on Actors de Apple TV, In conversation with actress Lily James, Tom Hiddleston referred to his character’s sexual orientation in the MCU. As Loki’s interpreter since 2011, he said he was happy with the series, which confirmed in 2021 that Loki is bisexual.

“It was an honor to be able to mention that. It was very important to me. It was really important to Kate Herron (the director) and Michael Waldron (producer), and I’m glad we were able to include it in our story,” she assured.

In the third chapter of the series was when Loki revealed that part of himself in a dialogue he had with his female version.. There she commented on having a romantic past with princes and princesses.

While for many fans of the character it was an exciting revelation, others criticized the fact that this part of him was reduced to a single dialogue. “I hope Loki coming out as bisexual was meaningful to the people who saw it,” he said.

“It is a very old part of the character and I think it had not come up in the stories that we had told. I was very pleased and privileged, in fact, that he came up on the series,” added Hiddleston.

Also, he mentioned that it was something he knew since he started researching to play the character. “From my earliest days of researching the character in the ancient myths, Loki’s identity was fluid in every way. On gender and sexuality.

To this he added that since the MCU is such a large franchise, it is important to address issues like these. “It’s a small step. There is much more to do. But the Marvel Cinematic Universe has to reflect the world we live in“, he claimed.

Additionally, Lily James mentioned the importance of recognizing the LGTBQ+ community in a universe with so many followers. “What an impact it can have in a universe so widely seen, that it becomes the religion of the people. And for people to feel represented and to see themselves, it’s very important,” she said.



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