Local Myanmar citizens resisting military dictatorship [사진=연합뉴스·5·18기념재단]
The international community has expressed concern over the violence on the one-year anniversary of the Myanmar coup.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 1st, 10 countries, including South Korea, issued a joint statement on the same day, saying, “I urge you to immediately stop the violence and initiate constructive dialogue between all parties for a peaceful resolution of the situation.”
“For one year following the outbreak of the Myanmar coup, the people of Myanmar suffered excruciating pain due to the worsening of the humanitarian, economic and democratic situation in Myanmar and the spread of domestic fighting,” he said.
Participating countries repeatedly urged the Myanmar military to end the state of emergency, allow humanitarian access without restrictions, release arbitrary detainees including foreigners without restrictions, and return to the democratic process as soon as possible.
He also noted concerns over the sentences of political detainees, including Myanmar state adviser Aung San Suu Kyi, to prison terms. Suu Kyi was found guilty of sedition and violating COVID-19 quarantine measures in early December last year and was sentenced to four years in prison. Since then, the sentence was reduced to two years in the form of amnesty, but earlier this month, an additional four years in prison was sentenced on charges of illegally importing and possessing a radio.
South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the European Union (EU), Norway, Switzerland and Albania participated in the statement. Japan and Singapore issued separate statements.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “As a leading country in democracy in Asia, the Korean government has consistently expressed the position that Myanmar should restore democracy and respect human rights from the beginning of the crisis.” will go out,” he said.
Previously, the Myanmar military launched a coup on February 1 last year, claiming that the November 2020 general election, which ended in a landslide victory for the civilian government, was fraudulent. After that, he bloody suppressed civilians and civilians who took part in the rebel protests.

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