“One tweet, a thousand responses: How did Yair Netanyahu manage to set the network on fire?”

Yair Netanyahu, the prime minister’s son, is stirring up a new storm following his harsh criticism of the country’s president, Yitzhak Herzog. The young Netanyahu attacked the president’s stay in Paris on the occasion of the Olympic Games, which provoked angry reactions from many.

In a tweet on his Twitter account, Netanyahu wrote: “By the way, Boji Herzog is still in Paris? After all, an important political mission to watch the Olympics…” The criticism came against the background of the shooting from Hezbollah on the soccer field in Majdal Shams in which 12 boys and girls were killed and the discussion about the Prime Minister’s expected return from his visit to the USA.

The timing and tone of the criticism provoked a lot of backlash, especially given the fact that the young Netanyahu himself now lives in Miami. Many saw it as hypocrisy on his part to visit the president of the country while he was abroad.

It is important to note that President Herzog’s presence at the Olympics is not just for viewing purposes. Many state leaders take advantage of such international events for diplomatic meetings and strengthening interstate ties. In addition, the presence of the president is an important support for the Israeli athletes’ delegation.

Netanyahu’s criticism also comes amid reports of threats directed at President Herzog in Paris, which led to the opening of an investigation by the enforcement authorities.



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