One trait of Natasha Wilona so that Verrel Bramasta is difficult to forget, the yellow coconut has not yet curved

BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID – Even though he doesn’t admit to being in a relationship between lovers, Verrel Brasmasta still can’t forget one trait of Natasha Wilona who is independent and inspires people around her.

Verrel Brasmasta child Venna Melinda also argues that from the past until now they are still friends with Natasha Wilona so that even though they are no longer dating, they are still on good terms.

Artist Natasha Wilona responded to Verrell Bramasta’s statement regarding the possibility of a comeback.

Previously, Verrell Bramasta had stated that he did not rule out the possibility of having a relationship with Natasha Wilona once more.

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On the statement of her ex-lover, Natasha Wilona finally opened her voice.

Natasha Wilona admits that she and Verrell have been friends for a long time and have a close relationship.

Had broken up, now the woman who is familiarly called Wilona chooses to learn a lot from the past.

“We’ve been friends for a long time, we’ve been running it for quite a while,” said Wilona, ​​quoted from YouTube Celebrity Oncam News, Sunday (28/8/2022).

“From all the things that happened we learned a lot,” he continued.

According to him, his date is still a mystery.

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