One-sixth of the world’s population suffers from “infertility”

A report issued by the World Health Organization said: One out of every 6 people in the world, or 17.5% of the total world population, is affected by infertility.

The organization emphasized the urgent need to provide access to affordable, high-quality fertility health care.

Infertility is considered a disease that affects the male or female reproductive system, and is defined by the inability to reach the outcome of pregnancy. Infertility can cause psychological stress, stigma, and financial crises that affect people’s lives, physically and psychologically.

Despite the enormity of the issue, solutions to prevent, diagnose and treat infertility – including assistive technology such as IVF – remain underfunded and not available to everyone due to their high cost.

In some countries, the patient bears the costs of infertility treatment, which may lead to financial consequences, as people in poor countries spend a large percentage of their income on fertility treatment, compared to people in rich countries.

“Millions of people face catastrophic healthcare costs for infertility, making it an issue of medical equity and poverty for those affected by infertility,” said WHO Director of Sexual and Reproductive Health Dr Pascal Allotti.

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