One of them is the size of Big Ben. Two asteroids fly towards Earth at the same time

newspaper said The Sun, Two space meteorites are approaching planet Earth, and this may carry risks, according to what I reported RT.

And the newspaper quoted, according to data from the American space agency “NASA”, that one of them – an asteroid 2013 YD48 – watch size Big BenAnd the second – asteroid 7482 YD48 – Twice the size of the Empire State Building.

The newspaper indicated, in its article, that the 2013 asteroid display YD48 It is about 104 meters long, and it will pass near our planet on January 11 at a distance of 5.6 million kilometers.

As for the asteroid 1994 PC1 It will pass near Earth on January 18 at a distance of 0.013 astronomical units, which, according to the data of the Agency’s Center for the Study of Near-Earth Objects, is considered to be in a “close lane.”“.

Earlier, NASA Vice President Thomas Zurbuchen said that all asteroids known to scientists at the present time do not threaten to collide with Earth in the next 100 years..

He noted that scientists “know only about 40% of objects that are more than 140 meters in size.”“.


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