One more MP has been involved in the scandal with the suitcases of money in the European Parliament 2024-02-11 01:07:52


The Belgian MEP from the group of socialists Maria Arena is the next person involved in the case of influence peddling in the European Parliament

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The Belgian MEP from the group of socialists Maria Arena was questioned as a suspect in the influence-peddling scandal that rocked the European Parliament.

In 2022, 1.5 million euros in suitcases and bags were found in the homes of several MEPs, their relatives and associates, suspected to have been given to them by representatives of Qatar and Morocco to protect their interests in the European institutions. The scandal became known as “Catargate”.

Suitcases of money: What we know (and don’t know) regarding the corruption scandal in the European Parliament

Belgian public broadcaster RTBF and daily newspaper Soar reported that Arena was questioned from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Her lawyer says this was done at the request of the MEP, who has “persevered for months” to speak to the investigating judge.

Maria Arena “answered at length all the questions put to her,” the lawyer told public television, explaining “her work within the European Parliament, her commitments and achievements for human rights, including those that were clearly disturbing.”

According to him, his client has nothing to worry regarding “from the facts underlying this investigation”.

The hearing was held without prior removal of Arena’s parliamentary immunity, as only certain investigative actions such as an arrest warrant require the removal of immunity.

The European Parliament lifted the immunities of two MEPs linked to “Catargate”

In July 2022, Belgium’s federal prosecutor’s office opened a case for attempting to influence the work of the European Parliament based on information from the police. Maria Arena’s name is mentioned more than 10 times in an intelligence report RTBF has seen of him.

In it, she is described as the center of a network of influence on behalf of Qatar, alongside the main accused – Pier Antonio Panzeri, a former MEP from the Socialist group.

RTBF reports that intelligence believes Arena, who chaired the European Parliament’s subcommittee on human rights, was receiving ready-made positions from Qatari officials that she was expressing in her official capacity. The investigation must prove whether these conclusions are true.

The “Catargate” scandal sheds light on the “untouchable” MEPs

Maria Arena stepped down as chair of the parliamentary subcommittee following the scandal broke, saying she wanted to let the investigation do its job. Like the other suspected MEPs – Mark Tarabella and Eva Kylie, she also did not give up her seat and remained a member of the European Parliament. .

An investigation by the publication “Politico” showed that Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania spent a total of 4 million euros within four years to push their interests through deputies in the European Parliament.

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