On April 3, 2023 at 04:54 PM IST, a clash occurred between guest workers in Vadakara, Kozhikode resulting in the death of Sikander Kumar, a native of Bihar. The incident took place on JT Road and an investigation has been initiated by the Vadakara police. During the confrontation, both individuals fell off their two-story residence, resulting in Sikander’s fatal injury. The residents present took him to the hospital but he might not survive. Another person was seriously injured and is currently receiving medical attention. Two other individuals who were present at the scene managed to escape. A symbolic picture representing the incident has been provided by Mathrubhumi.
Kozhikode: One person died following a clash between guest workers in Vadakara, Kozhikode. Sikander Kumar, a native of Bihar, died. The clash took place on Monday followingnoon. The Vadakara police have started an investigation into the incident.
Due to the conflict, both of them had fallen down from the two-storied building of their residence on JT Road, Vadakara. Sikander, who was injured in the accident, was rushed to the hospital by the residents but might not be saved.
A second person who was seriously injured is currently undergoing treatment. It is reported that two people who were with them ran away.
Incidences like these are not only tragic but also highlight the need for better management and regulation of guest worker communities. It is important for authorities to investigate and take appropriate action to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and loved ones of Sikander Kumar.