One by one, the 12 points of the national agreement proposed by Esteban Bullrich

2023-05-01 21:25:00

The former national senator Esteban Bullrich presented an article in the Buenos Aires town of San Nicolás de Los Arroyos that he synthesized in twelve points following filing a ccall to different political and social leaders, trade unionists, businessmen and relevant figures of culture.

The text bears the name of “New Agreement for National Concord” and the place and date were chosen due to the 170th anniversary of the San Nicolás Agreement, a pact that led to the sanction of the first National Constitution and that was the cornerstone for the advancement of the formation of the Argentine State.

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Among the different referents who attended the presentation made by the former Minister of Education of the government of Mauricio Macri were Guillermo Dietrichformer Minister of Transportation of the Nation; joaquin de la torreBuenos Aires senator; Silvia Lospennatonational deputy; Santiago Passagliadeputy from Buenos Aires; Jaime Mendezmayor of San Miguel and Manuel Passaglia, local mayor.

by the side of Front of All He participated Juan Grabois, referent of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE) and pre-candidate for president. Since the former senator launched the call through his social networks, the social leader supported the measure and maintained that “it was worth a try“.

were also present Natalia Zarachonational deputy, and Ofelia FernandezBuenos Aires legislator, who was a great opponent of Bullrich when she was president of the Carlos Pellegrini Student Center.

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The promoter of the agreement was also accompanied by his wife, Maria Eugenia Sequeirosand his sons Luz, Margarita, Agustin, Lucas y Pazwho were with him throughout the act.

The 12 points of the “New Agreement for National Concord”

  1. Defend and value the Constitution and its republican institutions
  2. Position macroeconomic stability as the guiding principle of all decisions
  3. Reform the State, seeking austerity and the elimination of privileges
  4. Promote exports as a means of progress and well-being
  5. Promote development and investment, with a labor regime that facilitates the creation of private employment
  6. Implement the Single Ballot system, avoiding any system that alters the will of the voter
  7. Create a security policy that fights drug trafficking and allows people to live in peace
  8. Update educational policies to generate the human capital that the 21st century demands
  9. Promote small producers, SMEs and entrepreneurship
  10. Transform Argentina into a world energy power
  11. Create a federal tax system that allows the development of the private sector
  12. Create a Public Private Training Plan for the job

Last week, Bullrich raised the initiative and quickly achieved the support of multiple social actors. In 2021, the former head of the educational portfolio decided to leave his seat in the Senate as a result of the advance of the degenerative disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).

“We have to lower inflation and grow and produce more. It can’t be fixed with price controls, nor clamps on exports, but it’s not just reducing fiscal spending or issuing less. Guidelines are required to be met regarding the administration of the State as well as the obligations and goals of the federal government and the provinces,” he said during the event.

“I believe that what unites us is stronger than what divides us. This damn crack that has done us so much damage it is no more real than the thousands of meeting points we had and will continue to have. I wanted to focus on the things where we can make strength to get ahead, “he concluded.


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