Oncosexuality: Understanding the Impact of Cancer on Intimate Health and Relationships

2023-11-19 18:00:00

Cancer and the treatments to combat it significantly impact the quality of life of patients. “These physical and psychological consequences, often temporary, sometimes permanent, […] affect intimate life and sexuality,” underlines the regional oncology network for Île-de-France.

And “sexuality is not limited to sexual relations: it encompasses affection, intimacy, tenderness, speech…” This aspect, long neglected, is nevertheless essential. This is why a new discipline has recently emerged: oncosexuality.

Created in 2006, oncosexuality aims to improve the sexual health of the patient and the couple. This involves taking into account the disorders of sexual functions and behaviors caused by the announcement of cancer, the disease and its treatment in the patient and his or her partner throughout life.

What are the reasons for consulting?

As Virginie Gasc, oncosexologist in Tarbes, points out on her website, the reasons for consulting are numerous and diverse. Depending on gender, they vary.

So, women may need support due to sexual desire disorders, sexual arousal disorders, dyspareunia, vaginismus, sexual pleasure disorders. Men, for their part, can consult for sexual desire disorders, erection or ejaculation disorders, sexual pleasure disorders.

That being said, “anyone can consult for other symptoms that have an impact on their emotional, sexual and/or relational life,” she recalls.

What is the role of the oncosexologist?

“Oncosexology consultations offer the opportunity to freely and confidently express questions, anxieties and apprehensions regarding the repercussions of cancer on the body and emotions,” underlines the Toulouse University Cancer Institute.

And the specialist must “provide knowledge concerning the intimate, emotional and sexual difficulties linked to cancer”, he continues. And “to take care of and treat the suffering resulting from intimate, emotional and sexual difficulties linked to cancer”.

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