Malayalee movie lovers’ favorite actress Anushree’s new photos are going viral on social media. Look at me..! The actor has shared his latest photo shoot pictures with the caption. Fans are commenting that the star is so beautiful in these photos. This time Anushree has come in a makeover look.
Fans comment on the photo saying that they can’t take their eyes off the star’s photo. This time Anushree’s makeup is done by Sijan. Anusree’s friend Sabrinath has styled the star. Pranav Raj has captured these beautiful pictures of Anushree on his camera. Friends, colleagues and fans have been commenting on the star’s photo.
All the photos shared by the actor who is active on social media are noticed. The actor’s photo shoot pictures and videos are well received on social media. Now the actor has shared the latest photo and is gaining attention. Meanwhile, Jeethu Joseph aka Twelfth Man
Fans are waiting for the next movie of Anushree who gave a good performance in the movie. Anushree’s upcoming film is called Tara. The film is currently in the post-production stage.