Once again, vandalism threatens public property in the interior of Santiago

04/03/2023 – 22:55 Interior

Carefree they set another dumpster on fire and knocked down a metal railing in the Paseo Capital del Agro, in Fernández.

This Saturday two new acts of vandalism in the city of Fernández and generated concern in the authorities. One of them was in a Dumpster located on Almirante Brown street, a few meters from Raúl Alfonsín Avenue, where unknown persons They set fire and the flames consumed it completely. This would be the fifth container burned in recent years.

On the other hand, on one of the ramps of the Paseo “Capital del Agro” stage, the railings were completely knocked downapparently with heavy blows.

According to information, the municipal authorities have already made the corresponding presentations at the police station and images from security cameras in the area are being analyzed where the events were recorded, to find those responsible for the damage.

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