Once again at the swimming and diving hall of the Xi’an Olympic Sports Center, Quan Hongchan wanted to re-jump the World Championships and made a mistake

Once again at the swimming and diving hall of the Xi’an Olympic Sports Center, Quan Hongchan wanted to re-jump the World Championships and made a mistake

2022-07-15 19:58:08Source: Xi’an News Network

On the afternoon of July 15, after witnessing the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between the Xi’an Municipal People’s Government and the National Swimming Management Center, members of the Chinese diving team Quan Hongchan, Chen Yuxi, Yang Jian, Wang Zongyuan and Yang Haoye I walked into the swimming and diving hall of Xi’an Olympic Sports Center again. In an interview, the champions all said that they still have fresh memories of the 14th National Games.

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The Chinese diving team is known as the “Dream Team”. In the 14th National Games last year, the players represented their respective provinces and cities and gave wonderful performances to the audience in Xi’an. Returning to the Xi’an Olympic Sports Center this time, the Tokyo Olympic men’s 3-meter springboard champion Wang Zongyuan tried the water temperature immediately after entering the venue. “It’s similar to last year’s competition.” Wang Zongyuan told reporters that he was very impressed with this venue, even though During the 14th National Games last year, the audience was not large due to the epidemic, but the enthusiasm of Xi’an people was still felt.

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At the just-concluded World Swimming Championships, the Chinese diving team won 13 golds, 2 silvers and 2 bronzes. After the Shanghai World Swimming Championships in 2011, it once again won all the gold medals in diving. Among them, Wang Zongyuan won the championship in the men’s individual 1-meter springboard, the men’s individual 3-meter springboard, and the men’s double 3-meter springboard. It is the first time that a player has won 3 gold medals in the diving event of a single world championship. Talking about the history he made, Wang Zongyuan said that he didn’t think too much during the competition, “Because I had already decided to participate in 3 events before the competition, but I didn’t think about making history, just thinking about comparing each event. Well, the process is done, and naturally there will be a good result.” As the leader of the Chinese diving team’s men’s 3-meter springboard, Wang Zongyuan said that he will do his best when talking about the Paris Olympics in two years, “Paris The Olympic cycle has begun, hard training must be the first, and then there is the need to pay attention to the details and concentrate on preparing for the war.”

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Counting last year’s 14th National Games test match and 14th National Games main game, Wang Zongyuan has come to Xi’an for the third time in more than a year. He said that this time, compared with last year, he clearly felt the surrounding area of ​​Xi’an Olympic Sports Center. There are more tall buildings, more greenery, and better scenery along the way. “During the National Games last year, Xi’an left a deep impression on me, especially the Xi’an delicacies in the National Games Village, such as oil-splashed noodles. , Paomo and Roujiamo, I hope to have the opportunity to taste it again.”

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In the 14th National Games last year, Quan Hongchan displayed her signature “Splash Disappearance” at the Swimming and Diving Hall of Xi’an Olympic Sports Center. When she returned to this venue this time, she also felt very cordial, and when she saw the big screen playing her game at the World Championships, Quan Hongchan said shyly, “Why is this action broadcast, I didn’t dance well? , let me dance better in this gym now than I was then.” The little girl’s remarks also caused a burst of laughter from the people present.

As a world champion who has gone out from Shaanxi, Yang Hao can be regarded as a “landlord” this time, and the team members also joked with him when they chatted. At the World Championships, Yang Hao and Lian Junjie won the men’s double 10-meter platform championship and won the bronze medal in the individual 10-meter platform event. During the Paris Olympics cycle, Yang Hao said that he will work together in both individual and double events. “In this cycle, I will try to make the process the best, pay attention to injuries, and leave the rest to time.”

Text / Yan Bintu, Omnimedia Reporter of Xi’an Newspaper Industry / Lei Yunyun, Intern, Intern, Wang Jian, Omnimedia Reporter of Xi’an Newspaper Industry

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