On World Legumes Day we propose 3 recipes to make

Pulses (all edible seeds of leguminous plants), rich in vitamins and minerals, play a key role in the transformation towards more efficient agri-food systems that guarantee better world nutrition and respectful treatment of the environment. In this sense, to make visible and raise awareness, the UN in 2016 proclaimed February 10 as the “World Day of Legumes”.

Lentil and rice dumplings

– 500 gr of lentils
– 500 grams of rice
– 1 celery
– 200 gr of instant oats
– 1 pumpkin
– 2 bell peppers
– 50 ml of oil
– 3 onions
– 3 carrots
– seasonings to taste

A nutritious dish to incorporate into the menu.


Cut off the top and peel the zucchinis. Cut them into slices along an approximate thickness so that 3 or 4 come out, depending on the zucchini.

For the link: In a container, mix the chickpea flour, water, salt, seasonings (they can be others) and parsley. Integrate everything well until there are no lumps. It should be a very thick liquid consistency, add more water if necessary. It is advisable to let this preparation rest for 15 minutes before using it since chickpea flour takes time to fully hydrate.

Prepare a bowl with the breadcrumbs. You can also use instant oats or cornmeal (polenta) if you want to make them gluten-free.

For the breading: Dip the milanesas, one by one, first through the chickpea flour mixture and then through the breadcrumbs, crushing a little with your hand so that it is well compact.

Cook in the oven over medium heat on a previously oiled plate for about 20 minutes, turning them in the middle until golden. Remove and go.

lentil patties

– 480 gr of wholemeal flour
– 360 gr of raw lentils
– 96 cc of water
– 3 oil tablespoons
– 4 boiled potatoes
– 4 chopped onions
– 3 garlic cloves
– 4 teaspoons of cumin
– salt and oil
– olives (optional)

Nothing to envy to traditional meat empanadas.


For the mass: Place the flour in a bowl and add the oil. In another container, mix the salt with the water and pour it into the first container while incorporating the ingredients with your hands. Knead until you get a smooth dough that doesn’t stick. Cover with a towel and let rest for half an hour. Separate the dough into 12 equal size buns. Stretch each bun to form thin disks of dough.

For the filling: Soak the lentils for eight hours and then boil them for approximately 40 minutes. Once cooked, strain and reserve. Peel and dice the potatoes and boil for 15 to 20 minutes (they should hold their shape). Then strain and reserve. Peel and chop the onions and garlic cloves.

In a frying pan, heat a little oil and once hot add the onions and garlic. Lower the heat so that they cook slowly. Add the salt and seasonings. Add lentils and boiled potatoes. Mix everything, turn off the heat, and let it rest with the pan covered.

Fill the empanadas and place on a preheated oven plate at 180°C. Cook for 20 minutes.

Chickpea croquettes

– 4 cups of raw chickpeas
– 2 medium onions
– garlic and parsley to taste
– seasonings to taste
– instant oatmeal amount needed (between 1 and 2 cups)

An easy recipe to make at any time.


Wash and soak the chickpeas for at least 12 hours. Strain and rinse. Then process for a few minutes. Add chopped onions, parsley, garlic and seasonings to taste. Integrate everything well and gradually add the oats. There must be a manageable mass so that it compacts when pressed with your hands. Form balls with the mixture.

Cook in previously oiled skillet or oven until golden.

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