“On Wednesday we run the risk of going backwards,” warned Federico Prior

2023-08-21 15:19:21

On August 23, the modification of the Rental Law in the Chamber of Deputies, in a special session convened by the opposition made up of Together for Change, the Federal Interblock, a block of United Provinces and La Libertad Avanza. “The truth is that I have enormous concern because on Wednesday we do run the risk of going backwards,” warned the referent of the National Federation of Tenants in Neuquén, Federico Prior, in BLACK RIVER RADIOy called to mobilize in defense of the regulations.

In order for the session to be completed, you must first guarantee the quorum of 129 legislators. The differences between the ruling party and the opposition center on the fact that the Frente de Todos proposes to maintain the central points of the current law, 3-year contract and annual update of prices, according to the index that combines wages and inflation.

The opposition blocks, on the other hand, intend to return to the 2-year contract and a quarterly or semi-annual adjustment, agreed between the parties. However, in Together for Change the position is not unified, since a part of the deputies, mostly from the PRO, seek the repeal of the law. La Libertad Avanza, the bloc led by the candidate for president Javier Milei, also favors this position. That is why the quorum is not yet assured, since they did not confirm their participation in the debate on August 23.

Rental Law: call for a mobilization

The referent of the National Federation of Tenants in Neuquén, Federico Prior, expressed his concern regarding a possible advance in the modification of the Rental Law: «On Wednesday we do run the risk of going backwards. They might give a quorum and this opinion might be voted on, going back with 2 years (of rental contract) and with the quarterly or semi-annual increase ».

And he added: “We are in a rather complex situation and that, in our opinion, is going to deepen. If this advances in Congress, with these two fundamental points of the law, the scenario will be worse because you will have a shorter contract. The 3-year contract gives you greater stability, partly economic, because if you have to renew following 2 years, that price is completely unregulated and, in addition, You have to pay the real estate commission and the deposit.

For Prior, the modifications proposed by the opposition respond to pressure from the real estate sector. «The two fundamental points with which it messes (the regulations) are the minimum regulation of the contract and with the profitability of the real estate market. So what they do is push and withdraw the offer; a market blow, we say, where there is practically no rental offer », he explained.

The referent of the Federation emphasized that these changes do not come to solve the problem and stressed that the current regulations protect tenants: “It was evident, in the last census, that there is no lack of housing, there are excesses, what happens is that responds to concentration. Every time there are fewer owners with more properties. This is seen in Neuquén with the buildings that are under construction, buildings that are luxury, that are empty, that It responds to another logic of accumulation, tied to financial oil income.

For this reason, he invited to mobilize “in defense of the Rental Law” this Wednesday, August 23 at 3:00 p.m. at the monument to San Martín, in the capital of Neuquén. At 5:00 p.m. in the Federal Capital, a large demonstration will be held in front of Congress to reject the “attempts to back down” by the opposition.

Listen to Federico Prior, a reference for the National Federation of Tenants in Neuquén, on RÍO NEGRO RADIO:

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#Wednesday #run #risk #warned #Federico #Prior



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