ON VIDEO | His bungee rope breaks… in the middle of a jump!

Some consider bungee jumping a near-death experience, but this man actually came close to death after the rubber band that held him broke.

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A tourist from Hong Kong had a narrow escape while visiting an amusement park in Thailand last January.

The 39-year-old decided to jump from a 10-story high springboard in the city of Pattaya while on vacation.

Fortunately for him, the jump was made over a body of water which probably cushioned his fall after the elastic broke.

He made it out alive, but not unscathed.

“I landed on my left side so the injuries were more serious there,” he said.

Mike found himself covered in bruises.

“It was like someone had just hit me really hard,” he added.

The man admits to agreeing to jump after being challenged by friends, who also witnessed the scene.

“It was so high that I closed my eyes. I had planned to reopen them on the rebound,” says Mike.

“I realized the rope had just broken when I opened my eyes and was suddenly surrounded by water.”

He managed to surface and swim to the edge despite having his feet tied together.

Mike said the park reimbursed the cost of his jump and paid for x-rays and ultrasounds in Thailand.

The park’s founder confirmed that this was the first time such an event had occurred.

According to information from CNN

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