On this day, September 21, 1973, Panachaiki beat the Austrian Gratcher 2-1 for the first phase of the UEFA Cup, what else happened

On this day, September 21, 1973, Panachaiki beat the Austrian Gratcher 2-1 for the first phase of the UEFA Cup, what else happened

Like today, September 21 historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him World.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…


The massacres of the men of the Italian Aqui Division, who were handed over to the German Authorities of Kefalonia after the capitulation of Italy, begin. In total, 5,000 soldiers will lose their lives.


The 3rd Mountain Brigade captures Rimini, driving out the German defenders, and raises the Greek Flag.


E.V.A officers inspect one of the first T-33As that have just arrived at Elefsina airport
The Hellenic Air Force acquires its first jets, two Lockheed T-33s.


Prosecutor Stylianos Butis is requesting the pre-trial detention of senior officials of the Gendarmerie, with the accusations of dereliction of duty, abuse of power, direct cooperation and moral complicity in the murder of MP Grigoris Lambrakis.


Alexis Damianos’ film “Eudokia” premieres in cinemas.


Panachaiki beat Austrian Gratcher 2-1 for the first phase of the UEFA Cup. It is the first participation of a provincial team in a European football competition.

Source: sansimera.gr

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#day #September #Panachaiki #beat #Austrian #Gratcher #phase #UEFA #Cup #happened



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