On this day, September 17, 1877, the Electoral Law XMI mandates the participation of the judiciary in all stages of the electoral process and not only, what else happened

On this day, September 17, 1877, the Electoral Law XMI mandates the participation of the judiciary in all stages of the electoral process and not only, what else happened

Today is September 17 historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him World.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…


The Byzantine army under Emperor Manuel I Comnenus suffers a severe defeat at Myriokephalos in Asia Minor, by the Seljuk Turks of Kilij Arslan.


The CMH Electoral Law mandates the participation of the judiciary in all stages of the electoral process and during the compilation of electoral lists. With the above law, every democratic restriction of the right to vote is abolished and the voting time is limited to one day. Finally, severe penalties are imposed on violations committed during the elections.


The King of the Greeks Alexander I is injured by a monkey bite, trying to defend his beloved dog from the attack of two monkeys in the Royal Gardens of Tatoi. His doctors announce that his wound is nothing to worry about, but a few days later he will develop sepsis and die on October 12, 1920, aged 27.


The military coup plotters of Ankara execute Adnan Menderes, who as prime minister of Turkey tolerated the pogrom against the Greek community in Istanbul.


Egypt and Israel sign the Camp David peace treaty, Israel’s first peace agreement with a neighboring state.


Leonidas Sampanis wins the silver medal in the 62 kg weightlifting category at the Sydney Olympic Games.

Source: sansimera.gr

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#day #September #Electoral #Law #XMI #mandates #participation #judiciary #stages #electoral #process #happened



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