On this day, July 17, 1973, a heat wave hits Greece with the maximum temperature reaching 46.5 degrees! – What else happened? – 2024-07-20 01:59:35

Today, July 17, historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him People.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…


The inhabitants of Ikaria rebel once morest the Turkish authorities. The “Free State of Ikaria” is declared and a temporary administration is formed until November 4 of the same year, when the Greek Fleet will land on the island and liberate it for good.


With General Franco’s rebellion once morest the recently legally elected left-wing government of the Popular Front, the Spanish Civil War begins, which will last until 1939 and end with the general’s complete dominance.


The summit begins in Potsdam, Germany, with the participation of Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman and Winston Churchill, who will be replaced by Clement Attlee when the results of the British election are known. It is the last inter-allied conference of World War II, which will determine the fate of defeated Germany and the procedures for future peace treaties in Europe.


A heat wave is hitting Greece and will last until July 20. Some indicative temperatures: Lamia 46.5° C, Elefsina 46.4° C, Aghialos 46.2° C, Tanagra 46.0° C, Larissa 45.2° C, Nea Philadelphia 42.4° C and Athens Observatory 41.2 °C.


Alexis Tsipras is proceeding with a reshuffle of the government, following the mutiny of SYRIZA MPs in the July 16 vote on the new memorandum. Lafazanis, Stratoulis, Valavani and Isychos are out of government. Panos Skourletis and Giorgos Katrougalos are moving, new faces are Dimitris Vitsas, Christoforos Bernardakis, Pavlos Polakis, Sia Anagnostopoulou, Yannis Amanatidis, Pavlos Haikalis, as well as Olga Gerovasili, who takes over the duties of government representative.

Source: sansimera.gr

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#day #July #heat #wave #hits #Greece #maximum #temperature #reaching #degrees #happened



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