On this day, August 2, 216 BC. the battle of Canna took place: the Carthaginian general crushes the Roman legions, what else happened – 2024-08-04 15:17:56

On this day, August 2, 216 BC.  the battle of Canna took place: the Carthaginian general crushes the Roman legions, what else happened
 – 2024-08-04 15:17:56

Today, August 2, historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him People.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…

338 BC

The Battle of Chaeronea: Philip II of Macedon defeats the combined Athenian and Theban forces and becomes the ruler of the then Greek area.

216 BC

The Battle of Cannae: Carthaginian general Hannibal crushes the Roman legions. 50,000 Romans fall on the battlefield. “Hannibal ante portas” exclaim the Romans.

46 BC

Julius Caesar defeats the king of Pontus Pharnakes III and exclaims “Veni, Vidi, Vici” (“I came, I saw, I conquered”) for the ease of his conquest.


The Bulgarian-speaking populations in Macedonia revolt, on the day of the feast of the prophet Elias (Old Calendar). The revolution, planned by the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (VMRO), is suppressed by Turkish troops. This fact becomes the occasion to start the Macedonian Struggle. It will go down in history as the “Revolution of Illinden” (Illinden = Saint Leah’s Day).


Christos Kakalos, Frédéric Boissonnat and Daniel Beau-Bovi set foot for the first time on Mytikas, the highest peak of Olympus (2,917 m).


Iraq invades and occupies Kuwait. (Gulf War I)

Source: sansimera.gr

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