On this day April 25, 1859 work begins on the opening of the Suez Canal, see what else happened – 2024-04-26 17:01:39

On this day April 25, 1859 work begins on the opening of the Suez Canal, see what else happened
 – 2024-04-26 17:01:39

Elena Massaras

Today is April 25 historical and important events happened for our country, but also for him People.

So let’s go back to the page of Time’s calendar to see what happened like today…


Robinson Crusoe gets “flesh and bones” through the pen of the English writer Daniel Defoe.


Paul Julius von Reuter, founder of the Reuters news agency, uses 40 pigeons to convey the closing prices of the stock market to his clients.


Work begins on the opening of the Suez Canal.


New Zealand and Australian forces attempt to land on the Turkish shores of Gallipoli, in the context of the First World War.


Scientists Francis Crick and James Watson publish their groundbreaking work on the chemical structure of DNA. For their discovery, which was characterized as the greatest of the 20th century, they will be honored with the Nobel Prize in 1962.


The Carnation Revolution in Portugal. The military re-establishes the Republic, following half a century of dictatorship.

Source: sansimera.gr

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