On their way home from the former president and his wife after NATO tour… 1 day arrival in Korea

On the 30th (local time), President Yoon Seok-yeol was on his way home from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit tour for three nights and five days.

After completing their NATO tour, President Yoon and his wife Kun-hee Kim boarded Air Force Unit 1 at 4:03 p.m. that day at Barajas International Airport in Madrid, Spain.

President Yoon and his wife were seen off at the airport by Gonzalez, Spain’s national liaison officer, Park Sang-hoon, Ambassador to Spain, and Kim Young-ki, president of the Korean American Federation.

Before boarding, President Yoon raised his hand to greet those who came out. First Lady Kim bowed her head and boarded the Air Force Unit 1.

President Yoon and his wife will arrive at Seoul International Airport in Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province, on the afternoon of July 1.

President Yoon and his wife arrived in Madrid, Spain, on the night of the 27th to attend the NATO summit, and held an official schedule from the 28th to this day.

He gave a three-minute speech at the Allied-Partner Countries Summit, the official session of the NATO summit, and held the Korea-US-Japan Trilateral Summit and the Asia-Pacific Partners Summit. He requested the international community’s interest and support for the denuclearization of North Korea, and demonstrated strong trilateral cooperation between South Korea, the US and Japan.

In addition, they held bilateral talks with 10 countries including Australia, the Netherlands, France, Poland, the EU, Turkey, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Canada, and the United Kingdom to discuss ways to cooperate in various fields such as nuclear power, defense industry, high-tech industry, and energy, as well as in the security field. discussed.

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NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg met with King Felipe VI of Spain. He also held a luncheon meeting with Spanish entrepreneurs to confirm his will to revitalize investment. He also held a dinner meeting with his Spanish compatriots.

First Lady Kim, along with President Yoon, made her diplomatic debut by attending a welcome gala dinner hosted by the King of Spain, a meeting with compatriots, and a program for the spouses of the heads of state who attended the summit.

And as the last schedule before departure, he visited a Korean grocery store in Madrid, run by a first-generation Korean couple, and expressed his gratitude for serving as a bridge between Korea and Spain.


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